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Wacky Dee

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Everything posted by Wacky Dee

  1. hahaha yeah I must've forgot to spit 3 times when a black cat ran accross the road on that fateful black friday..
  2. Matt (cassbo), that was a bit tounge in cheek didn't mean that seriously.. just a bit peeved how every goody toshoe is getting a kick in while I'm "down".Yeah i do tend to have a short temper, but not with the cops or strangers in real life. Also $1700/6m is quite a bit worse than $600/3 months. moneypit .. yeah it's expensive here man, I've asked around already. The more money you apply to the issue the better the result. No free legal rep for traffic matters, only to plead guilty and the usually don't even show up. Other Matt, MBS206, that made no sense whatsoever. Does working on the car or using it not take up any time ? Maybe in Wollongong where time stands still, not here. Anyway, keep poking with a stick .. if you want it to end up in your ass one day. But you'd probably like that seeing as how you know every guy that has a baton
  3. I used to be one of the few people always defending cops on the net etc whenver I read some good old fashioned cop bashing. Attitude test? All they said was "You were doing 142kmh, your driver's licence" and got back 5 mins later with the fine and form asking me to sign the suspension/licence confiscation. There was no time for me to give anyone attitude and I never do. With that said, I feel like giving YOU some attitude for being such a presumptuous prick, so how about you suck my ballz ? Wait no, that's gay and I it might feel good. Never mind scratch that ..don't suck my ballz, suck your own. If being a wog and/or driving a skyline equals to "bad attitude" then I'm guilty as charged. Anyway, pointless discussing this any further - what's done is done. I just gotta find a way to kill some time now and work out the best way to get back at the "system", legally mind you. They've given me enough free time to scheme a way how to rort them back and I shall. PS 120 in 90 zone is NOT a suspension at all. I'm sure I never went over 120 but hey, Mr Wog in a Skyline here, who's gonna believe that?
  4. if i were a career criminal drug dealing type from bankstown, yeah sure I'd hire a lawyer because it's only what, $3-5k for a typical representation plus a couple grand more for expert witness testimony PLUS I might get it back if I win right ?. Problem is, I don't have that sort of money because I work in IT, I don't make $2k daily dealing meth. The only lucky thing for me is I work from home so transport isn't necessary to make a living. But when you work from home and you can't get away when you have something urgent or hell, for social occasions then it becomes a bit like home arrest really. Yeah I know there are ways around all that, call up friends, get chauffered around blah blah yeah right. For someone who's been independant and never used PT for 15 years that's not such an easy transformation at all. The worst thing is I f**ken KNOW I didn't do 140kmh, 120 MAYBE but if that then only for 2-3 seconds and I dropped to 90 well before I even passed the coppers. They saw a skyline and thought, alright no lube let's just give him a bs reading because which magistrate would believe a skyline driver anyway ? Yeah sure my dad was with me and he's like the most honest person alive (and his driving record consists of one red light fine I think in past 15 years) but I don't wanna put him through testifying because he's a migrant and he's just a worker. The thing he told me straight away was just pay the fine and live with it, don't fight the law even though he was the one insisting there was no way I was doing 140 before I even spoke a word after the incident. So how do you take someone like that as a witness? He'd probably get intimidated in court easily with all the fancy jargon and whatnot. So yeah, f**k this system. I'm guilty and serving a sentence even long before I get served a summons to appear in court, which is supposed to determine my guilt. Doesn't that equal GUILTY before proven innocent ? I thought it was the other way around? What a f**king joke. Even if I do goto court and get an unbiased judge he's most likely going to side with the prosecutor regardless of any facts simply due to the fact that the states RELY on fine revenue collected from motorists and the fact the government has spent millions of dollars on the whole speeding kills bs. Sucks to be a white, middle class average mofo in this country because your only right appears to be to work, pay taxes and then vote for one crook or another every few years. Meanwhile if you find yourself in legal trouble due to draconian laws and what should be a MINOR infringement, your whole life is turned upside down. Driving a car isn't just about getting from point A to point B for me, it's pretty much my only personal hobby and joy and now I can't even do that. Is it any wonder whenever you hear about someone going postal and taking out a bunch of innocents it's some poor average shmuck like me, who's been driven over the edge by some government department ? Yeah sure I'm ranting and need to eat some cement and harden the f**k up rah rah. Or maybe I just need to jump back in the car take it for a spin on that highway and pull over at 240kmh and ask them if they saw me coming this time. f**king cock suckers, every last one of them. edit: mods please feel free to close this thread, it serves no purpose whatsoever other than for me to vent
  5. you mean why can't they be above the law like in the good old days ...of 100% corruption? Atleast the corruption in recent decades has dropped somewhat but just doing my research last night, I came accross this article where a nsw minister recently stated that he thought nsw cops are almost all corrupt so hmm. Maybe if we give them the beating sticks back they'd back off with bs fines ? but seriously where is the justice in fining someone who's never been a crook or criminal or has anything on their driving record, close to $2k AND taking away their driving privileges for 6 months ? What the f**k ? Makes me think they're under the impression everyone's a god damn drug dealer and can afford to pay $2k for a first offence and change their whole life around due to depending on car. Where's the friggin crime that deserves such punishment?? Did I harm or endanger anyone except myself maybe for 3 sec? Am I that precious that they're just doing it for my good by trying to hurt me financially AND otherwise ? Seriously might as well be a criminal in this country if the law can't differentiate between otherwise law abading citizens who make a mistake once off AND dickheads. No it's not an expensive lesson, $600 fine and a "do it again you lose your licence" would have been an expensive lesson. This is just a rort. But anyway, I'll see how it goes. If nothing else this whole thing has given me plenty of time and opportunity to consider all the shit I've been putting up with for years. Maybe I'll just hit one of those one foot deep pot holes on my bike and sue to local council and get them to buy me a GTR in return for all this over the top bs.
  6. drivers lic was confiscatored unfortunately so I have no way of proving I 'held one' hmm What's Aaron's number ?
  7. without sau membership but? sorry to be a pita
  8. um can you get a daily cams as a guest without sau membership? no I dont have a NORMAL DRIVERS LIC ATM
  9. I'll consider offers on the rad as it's taking up space and I have no need for it.
  10. Stock radiator .. fair condition for the age (98 gtt) with a few bent fins but no punctures. I put an aftermarket rad in thinking my stock one is blocked inside but only after removing it realized it was probably just dirt between the fins as it was completely blocked off by dirt and bugs which have been washed with high pressure hose. $100 pick up from Sydney (Five Dock)
  11. stock coil packs from an R34 GTT (rb25det NEO) in great condition (<70,000 Km, very lightly modified car). Car did not miss but I upgraded to Splitfires anyway. Sydney pickup or $10 shipped aussie wide. $200 for a set of 6.
  12. can I hire a helmet and get a daily cams for the day on the day ? Don't have much money at the moment so can't fork out for sau membership + yearly cams + helmet + track fee
  13. I have those ..never heard a beep though. And yes I managed to ruin one of those clips as well - did a bit of a hack job to reinsert it and hold it in there with bluetack (don't ask) But yeah when I looked around all the electronics stores no one had such small clip. Best suggestion was to simply get single wire clips of that size as you only have 2 wires to connect and then insert them individually. You may need to goto a electronics whoelsaler/specialist or if that's too much hassle look on ebay for a cheap gauge ..they come branded in a few different names. I've seen them as low as $30, you could just use the wire that comes with it for your gauge
  14. farking hell I used to live 100m from that corner until about a month ago... I've walked past that golf shop so many times. Whats the bet it was a stolen skyline anyway
  15. Seems the traffic police are the most efficient department then. I remember back 10 years or so when my parents had bought a house in western sydney .. it got broken into and burgled, along with about 15 other homes in a 1km radius - all within days/weeks of each other. No one ever got busted for any of that.
  16. That supercop on NS is such a fine example of eveything that's wrong with the system .. he proudly states just how much joy he gets from handing out fines for all sorts of offences incl. minor speeding, defecting imports, fog lights and whatnot and people still thank him for his "advice". What a bunch of nice folk Victorians must be. He even goes to say he has never lost a contested claim in court - yeah sure, that's like saying you've never once made a mistake at work. Not many people can make that claim. Just where would we be without fine officers like that, it'd be anarchy and half the population would be decomposing corpses from these terrible accidents lying by the roadside... If only they put half as much effort into solving serious crimes like armed robberies, rape, break-ins etc
  17. moar texis and driver training type of track days (like the one coming up on the 18th at OP)... oh and taxi service for those without a licence would be awesome. You get to drive someone elses' skyline for free and they get to get out of their home win-win I haven't been to a texi/skidpand/track yet... as someone said not everyone can afford to trash their car/daily due to risk of ruining tyres and whatnot but for me it's a nonissue at the moment as the car's sitting in storage anyway so bring it on! +1 for fishing type of trips .. Windsor has a nice park right accross the bridge with plenty of parking and mullet and carp are easy and fun to catch, plus the whole area is ideal for bbq/pincin/kicking a ball around ( http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&sou...mp;t=h&z=18 )
  18. they'd pointed the lidar towards oncoming traffic .. as I was passing them I was already slowed down to 90-100kmh or so and I saw the front bumper sticking out of the bushes - the rest of the car was parked up a concrete slab (45deg angle lol) inside thick bushes. Anyway, I'm sure they got me on radar as I was overtaking ..the whole speeding thing was for maybe 100-200m but still I'm sure that's where they got me. But anyway, I'm not gonna discuss my defence strategy on SAU as there are obviously too many experts on here who've already convicted me of genocide plus if a cop reads it, it might come back to bite me in the ass.
  19. Lol thanks, I hope you hit a tree and die tommorow, howzzat? YOU have been warned. TREES EVERYWHERE. Douchebag.
  20. yeah I'm gonna talk to the trafficlaw.com.au barrister once I get the charges/summons ... it's only $250 for his opinion on whether it's worth fighting it in court and I think that's all he does (fight traffic charges in court that is). To get a lawyer to rep me in court would cost $2-3k without any expert testimony .. or guarantees. If I can get up to speed in how to effectively represent myself I'll do that (eg. how to address magistrate, prosecutor, present evidence, question witnesses etc without making a fool of myself) as well as if I can get my hands on the HWP guidelines for Lidar, previous supreme court cases where charges were dismissed etc Whoever mentioned to just pay the fine and plead with magistrate ... well that doesn't work from what I've read. As soon as you pay the fine you basically admit guilt and a conviction is recorded and suspension in place. The magistrate can't overrule the suspension at all unless the case is dismissed ie. found not guilty in court. Thanks Luke appreciate it.
  21. You are trying to help me ? YOU ? Let me quote your only contribution. That is the ONLY thing you've said this whole time. I don't see how a smartarse remark is helping anyone, let alone a guy who's for the first time found himself in trouble with the law and lost his licence for 6 months. As for the 'who the f**k do I think I am" I am the thread starter and there are obviously a lot of well intentioned people who're giving advice and sharing their experiences (thanks Anna) but there are also morons like you and that other guy mbs206 who's only contribution was to try and upset me even more with a bunch of nonsense and personal attacks. So changing your story now mbs206? What do you think it means when 9 out of 10 court cases are settled before the hearing? f**king moron. And Terry yes I am aware and I've actually bought the ebook (and got the refund after reading through it) - it does have some helpful points BUT overall and primarily the '3 letters to write' that it's all about really is nothing but a bunch of bs. I hadn't posted here because I'm still upset over this whole thing and talking about it just makes it worse. So I'm not going to post anymore about what I'm going to do here.
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