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Wacky Dee

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Everything posted by Wacky Dee

  1. skirts are probably 10-15mm lower than the front bar .. I have the impul sides with the standard frontbar and that's how it sits. Trying to get a diffuser at the front now to serve as a "lip" for the front bar
  2. panel beater is your best bet ..but $400 seems a bit excessive, $200-300 tops I reckon as it's not more than 2-3 hours work if done properly. This is something I need to get done eventually also as I'm tall
  3. once the car warms up .. is the top radiator hose hot ? It should be .. Is the bottom radiator hose only warm (not hot like the top one) ?? The bottom hose should only be warm if it's hot then your radiator is not doing its job The factory water temperature sensor is at the top radiator hose (water exiting the engine) so if it's reporting the engine is overheating the top hose should be HOT which is normal .. You could also have air stuck in the cooling system so bleed it ... best way to do it, 2l coke bottle shove it into the radiator cap seal the joint so coolant doesnt leak and then poor coolant into bottle (obviously cut the bottom of the bottle off) let it run for about 30 mins ..all the air will come out the radiator cap and you will see big ass bubbles in the bottle with the coolant
  4. it's probably just one of the hoses .. mine was leaking so was replaced but started leaking again after a few months due to the hose shrinking a bit from being new so the clamp loosened up a bit .. The area where it leaks below may be deceiving .. mine was actually leaking all the way at the front from the hose but the oil was travelling down the hose and dropping on the ground all the way back near the firewall/oil sump.
  5. series 2 is mostly cosmetic update (bodykit and interior) and looks worse than s1 imo ..
  6. no there's no difference. There is only a difference between a 25GT and GT-T (nonturbo vs turbo)
  7. it's one and the same car and they all have traction control .. why would you care about traction control it's a pita and I turn it off unless it's raining
  8. silicon FTL ..that shit doesn't last as long as reinforced rubber plus it's not flexible. The amount of twisting and stuff I had to do to get the hoses off and new ones on ..I'd hate to think what a PITA it would be to do with rock solid silicone ones..
  9. so um wheres the cruise from to and what time and who's invited?
  10. just radiator top and bottom .. I've never heard of anyone replacing heater hoses, makes sense though if they're worn but mine looked ok ('98 line)
  11. crap .. I wanted to buy the ROCKET covers but now they're only cam covers. Not worth it anymore..
  12. Nissan but expect a 2 week delay as they have to come in from Japan ..about $110 or so for top and bottom.
  13. just get some contact adhesive from bunnings ..Kwik Grip or similar stuff. Apply thin coat to both surfaces ..let it dry to touch then press together, it wont be peeling off again...
  14. mine's sweating oil to the general sump area all around ... mechanic looked at it and it looks like the rocker cover gaskets / halfmoon seals need replacing and it seems pretty common on skylines. Check the rear of the rocker cover near the firewall ..
  15. they sell these for people to wear too ..heals cancers, makes your immortal etc. There's quite a lot of money to be made from idiots.
  16. yeah I agree ..try without the bottom eyelids. Right now it looks like the car is squinting... you'll get a defect for that IMO if you get pulled over
  17. Iirc the selby/whiteline swaybars come with links for the rear and you have to reuse factory front links.. I just had 22/24 (F/R) adjustable selbys installed a couple of weeks ago and honestly I can't notice much difference. Yeah slightly less body roll but that could be due to harder whiteline springs I put in it as well. I don't push it hard as it's a daily so maybe that's why I don't notice much ... but the new slightly stiffer (than stock) springs feel a LOT better over bumpy roads..you can still feel the crap roads but it feels more controlled. I was expecting worse ride quality as I lowered it another 2cm (355/345 now F/R) now and put stiffer springs in but the ride is actually better
  18. same here ..sunday should be great weather for a cruise and if I can get a mate to come along I'm in..
  19. I've seen a tennant in my building use that on their WRX ... not sure if it would really stop anyone, but I'm sure it'd slow them down heaps .. worth it if you're parking in a public space for long periods everyday ie. uni/work etc
  20. yes I'm aware of the eastbear lip .., it's $700 delivered and by the time you paint it, it's close to $1,000 ... not worth it when you can get an entire copy bodykit for that sort of money. I wonder why no one's copied it yet... I'd pay $300 for it locally and $200 to paint and fit.
  21. just don't get carmate to fit or paint them ..that's my advice to you.
  22. farking hell ..that's so close to where I live. How the hell did they know there was no immob/alarm installed ??? No flashing red light on dash maybe ?! Or it could be someone that knows you or that has followed your around. Even though I already have a sort of tracking (via simcard) think it's time to invest in a proper GPS tracking system..
  23. hm just spoke to shannons and they wanted almost $1,000 MORE than JC ... and JC have just upped my premium a couple hundred to $1900 and lowered agreed value $2k at the same time (to 23k) Looks like there's no one that can beat JC .. hopefully when I turn 30 next year maybe they take some pitty on this old fool and give me a better rate than this
  24. this is awesome shit ... no really, I applaud you on making such a big move and actually chasing your dream. I'm sure you will be successful, considering the competition But yeah, good stuff man and best of luck, keep us posted with rides that you've worked on!
  25. Yes I did think about it actually ... I just don't understand why you're jumping on me like I stole your car. So your post lead to some discussion about thefts .. far out, it's not gonna affect the outcome of your plight in any way. Hopefully it helps some others realize what if anything they can do to prevent this happening to them. anyway I'm gonna leave it alone .. good luck finding your car.
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