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Wacky Dee

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Everything posted by Wacky Dee

  1. ebay will def be heaps cheaper ... UAS is always on the exxy side but they're a site sponsor so I shall say no more ..
  2. woops bad eye sight is all ...looked a bit messed up but on closer inspection its just dirty Should give it a good clean and shine so it matches the fresh paint around it I reckon. Oh and spray that damn FMIC black too ..would look sick as (and not be a cop bait)
  3. ok so I have the leatherette seat covers in my skyline .. they're easy to clean as the meguiars stuff takes the dirt off with a simple wipe making them look like new. One issue though ..I've been wearing my black leather jacket (good soft leather ..exxy shit, not some cheap crap) in the car and now the high wear areas (top right shoulder backside and backside in general) have this light blue shit all over them that won't come off with the normal cleaner It's as if the covers changed colour or the rubbing of the leather jackets made it glaze up and turn blue .. what the fook? Any tips on what to try and clean this shit off ? It doesn't feel/look like dirt ..it's almost as if you sprayed light blue dye over the sections.. Yes yes if I do get this shit off no more black leather jacket in the car..
  4. try some of the mequiars leather conditioner/cleaner ... take dirt off with ease, not so sure about paint but worth a try before you f**k it up with a thinner
  5. get them off ebay .. $610 and take it to Unigroup (www.unigroup.com.au) for installation..too easy
  6. if you're willing to travel to inner city (camperdown) I can hook you up with consult cable and the software (have it on my laptop) and you can try that one cylinder at a time thing..
  7. looks tops Bass but you really gotta fix that mesh heh How high is your front suspension (centre of wheel to arch) ?
  8. threads like this just make me wanna cry ... why not get an R32 GTR and make it a track car? It's so much lighter even without taking any of this shit out.. leave the beautiful R34 GTR Vspec2 alone dammit!
  9. hope I don't jinx myself ...but in 2 years of owning an R34 I've been pulled over twice .. once for speeding, copped a fine and that's it. Other time I was just curising at like 1 AM in side streets and they wanted to check my license and let me go righ away... I've been through RBTs a couple of times atleast and was never asked anything about the car or mods. I've seen plenty of cop cars drive past me in both directions and was never pulled over for just driving a skyline. And they could easily use my dark tits as an excuse.. So I think it's a combination of WHERE in Sydney you live and how modified your car is ie. loud exhaust, atmo BOVs etc will always be a cop magnet. There's a big difference if if you're curising around Glebe or around Bankstown. I think the coppers around here are already used to seeing me and know I'm a local so don't bother to pull me over.
  10. what about lag? I imagine this thing would be heaps laggier than the stock R34 turbo right ?
  11. yeah the copper NGKs are just as good but cheaper but may not last as long as platinums ... So what did you do/change so that it works again?
  12. nissan datascan license is only $50 so meh ..worth it I reckon as you get free updates and it's actively developed I think. Has all the goodies in it so you don't need to switch between different programs. Nice logging and replay and graph functions too..pretty handy.
  13. you will probably need to buy the bride gtr rails then unless you wanna do some sort of a hack job of it .. they're quite expensive, but somehow I have a feeling that won't be an issue In any case, if you sell the GTR seats as they are, you'll still have more than $1k left over even after purchasing new Bride GTR rails..
  14. heh I have the generic bump stops from the GB and car was lowered about 2cm .. I have a strong suspicion Heasmans didn't bother trimming the new bump stops for me either. I'll just have to make sure they're spot on when I get the new springs/swaysbars chucked in soon. Would bump stops that are 2cm too big cause noticable ride harshness?
  15. We live in an english speaking country, and Bride is an english word. Dunno, to me to it just looks stupid to have it spammed all over the seats ..or even once. 99% of the people would have never heard of the brand and when they see your seats they'd think you're some sort of a gaylord. No I am not against the SEATS, they rock, just the stupid branding and excessive use of it, but each to their own.
  16. I see .. fair enough. Although you may find it hard, perhaps impossible to find one or a set as from what I've noticed they come on very few R34s from factory. And people (like me) who remove theirs usually break them in the process of removing them so I've never seen any for sale.
  17. What for? As I just said, they have no function .. I had the factory ones on my GTT and they don't stop wind OR rain no matter how much or little you open the window.
  18. the slim line ones don't do anything and are an eye sore, why bother? You need the full size ones for them to actually have a function .. I tore my ones off.
  19. more like $700 delivered plus atlast $400 for painting ...ridiculous.
  20. never mind ..it's just a bit of a mindf**k trying to work out why someone with an R34 GTT (with bride seats/rails) and an R34 GTR would touch anything. It just does not compute.
  21. hm I'm at 360 all round right now and it's pretty harsh as it is ... bilsteins + stock springs. Would love to go 350F + 340R (with whiteline springs) but I'm afraid I'm gonna start hating the car if the ride quality becomes any harsher than it is. Thing that shits me, I once took a ride in someone elses GTT when we were comparing suspensions ..and I think his was stock suspensions + chopped springs at around 340/330 and it didn't feel harsh at all, well not any worse than mine at 360/360. No idea how that's even possible
  22. you're just trying to screw with our heads now aren't you
  23. what's the deal with the sway bar ..stock or whiteline or something else?
  24. making me regret getting my seats reupholstered in creme colour ... *cries* about time I took some photos too I think .. I'll try and take some today if I can find a spot where people won't laugh at me for taking photos of my own car.
  25. farken awesome photos Sidd ...but the car's a shitbox obviously
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