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Wacky Dee

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Everything posted by Wacky Dee

  1. you need to take the whole trim off the door obviously and then look at it from the other side ..shouldn't be too hard
  2. not sure but the backlight can be changed to white or red ... or both (day and night time can be set to either color or same color) anyway, just heard back from the ozeguage guy that usually sells the blue backlit ones but he's out of stock and won't be importing more for a few months ... so the sale is on hold unless I can find someone else who sells these with the blue backlight.
  3. yeah 'super white' or red/amber as in the photos/vids above .. don't have paypal but bank transfer would work..just have to confirm I can actually find blue replacements before I let these go. Let me know if you want them though.
  4. this is what they look like with default white backlight and here's with the red/amber backlight http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPFt_1n9jyE And here's a few random shots in different cars ..either white or red
  5. any chance you could take a few photos of what you did? It'd help a ton of people ..well not really, just the tall freaks among us
  6. thank Rianto, yeah I thought as much (about the splashing)
  7. nope sorry, in the process of having them installed
  8. there's an RDA group buy in the GB forum ... pretty cheap slotted rotors. I'd stay away from QFM..too noisy for street.
  9. Just bought 3 of these Autogauge "stepper motor swiss" series (electric) from Justjap today as seen here: http://justjap.com/store/home.php?cat=400 The gauges are 52mm with a smoked face and fully electric and have a super white/amber backlight (you can choose which). They're for oil pressure, water temp and boost (in PSI). Each gauge comes with all the necessary cabling and sensors. Why am I selling these? To buy the same gauges but with a blue backlight. When I bought these I didn't realize they are also available with blue backlight which would match my dash much better than white or amber(red). The gauges cost me $300 less than 24 hours ago and I'm willing to let them go for $220 with free shipping for a quick sale. Please don't make offers below this as this is already a $80 loss in less than 1 day just because I didn't do my research better. This a bargain for anyone wanting superb looking gauges to replace the stockies (such as the R34 tripple gauges) in super white or amber/red backlighting. Thanks Denis
  10. hehe my fault for not doing any research beforehand Not gonna frett about it .. might lose $100 or so due to my own fault but so be it, as long as I can find ones with the blue backlight I'd be happy
  11. thats ok I had no idea that there were white/amber and blue/amber options .. if I knew I woulda gotten the blue as the rest of my interior is all blue leds Gonna call justjap tommorow and see if they stock the ones with the blue leds and hopefully they let me exchange .. but I'm sure they only have these white/amber ones and now I'm gonna have to sell them aghhhh ..
  12. No idea I just know the stepper motor series are electric ie. better and less fuss ... but the justjap stepper motor ones are WHITE when they light up. I want those blue ones like at the url above !!! DAMN YOU!!! Whyd you have to show me these now
  13. whats the model number on the headunit ? gps ? bluetooth? thanks
  14. gps? bluetooth? what's the model # ? kvx77 doesnt bring up any results in google..
  15. only the cute chick in the white tshirt made me forget I want the 4mins of my life back ...lame.
  16. hehe yeah I'd be doing this myself most likely at my parents place if I hadn't already occupied their house last week for 3 days when I was doing the seat covers ... don't wanna find one day they pretend they're not home when I come to work on the car
  17. About the fittment ... I noticed today that the 52mm Autoguage guages fit snuggly if you stick them inside the triple guage holder from the FRONT after taking out the old guages, however it doesn't look quite as neat as the factory setup as they sit further out. However to fit them from behind inside the tripleguages holder, like you said, it looks like the holes need a bit of sanding AND then you've gotta make up some sort of bracket to hold them there AND they need to be tilted because the tripple guage holder holes are angled .. so I'm leaning towards just sticking them in there from the front, quick and easy. Edit: this is what I mean... Looks fine IMO and you're done in 30 sec.
  18. Check out the Justjap 'stepper motor' series .. cheapish at around $100 per guage and look great. They're really good quality too even the packaging is impressive heh. I'm not sure what Yavuz is gonna charge me but as I said I'm sure it's less than CRD .. sure as hell not $120ph x 3-5 hours. Unigroup are the only shop I've used so far that don't charge like a wounded bull. The only reason I even thought of CRD is because they did my EBC (before I knew about Unigroup) and I thought this would be a 1 hour job max..didn't wanna bother yavuz with that sort of nonsense
  19. The A pillar as per pic above is the most common spot .. plus there's usually pods you can buy to fit any A pillar and make it "look stock" but IMO it's a copbait because no car has them there in the stock position that I know of. Also I find the analogue boost guages a bit useless to be honest because you can never tell exactly what boost you're running compared to say a digital display from your EBC..only problem with that is, if you mount the ebc anywhere visible its copbait once again. Would be cool if the greddy ebc had some sort of electric output that you could then wire up to a small external lcd (by small I mean 1cm by 3 cm or so) and then stick this digital display inside the dash cluster next to ODO for example.. would look stock and you could always tell accurately what your boost is.
  20. thanks mate yeah I dont know what I was thinking ..just spoke to Yavuz at Unigroup and he seems to be happy to do it for me and I'm sure he won't charge me anywhere near what CRD were asking. So I'll just take it there and pay tha man! ..and not worry about oil spills in the garage
  21. just bought some guages from Justjap (autoguage stepper motor series) namely boost, oil pressure and water temp. The oil pressure one comes with a sandwitch plate or whatever its called which I believe is supposed to be mounted under the oil filter. Question .. how do I take the oil filter without spilling half a litre of oil ? (just recently changed it ..motul 300v) Is it even safe/possible to take the oild filter without draining the engine first completely ? Will engine leak oil with the filter off or does the oil sit somewhere lower with engine off ? Also .. what's the best route of getting the sensor cables to my cabin (dash) ?? Through the firewall somewhere ?? I've got a harness from my old factory satnav still on the dash and I'm sure I can get 12v from there for all the power connections but I need to get all the sensor cables back to the cabin first .. Called CRD and they quoted 3-5 hours labour x $120 ph YIKES!
  22. Rianto, would it be safe to sand the midle section of the rotors (not where pads have contact) to get rid off the surface rust and then apply a very thin layer of fish oil to stop it from rusting ?
  23. doubt it ..different turbos, different dump pipes and possibly connectors .. If you look here http://www.kudosmotorsports.com/catalog/ad...keywords=oxygen you'll notice even R33 S1 and S2 use different Nissan (OEM) sensors. R34 is different also but R33/R34 GTR ones appear to be the same.
  24. $140 is cheap considering the whole front bar has to come off to take the headlights out of the car and also taking the lense off is a major pain in the ass (needs to be over baked or use a heatgun)...but NOT CHEAP at all if he's only gonna sand/machine polish the outside of the lens (which is the most likely scenario). Let us know how it goes .. these guys have franchisees everywhere it seems
  25. holy crap where do you people live ??? Good on the judge in OP's case .. I'd buy him a carton of beer if I knew who he was. Great story BB, but seriously... where zeeeeh f**k do you people live?
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