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Wacky Dee

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Everything posted by Wacky Dee

  1. I've done 170Kms since refuelling and it's just under half full now ... so my economy based on this is still 16-17l/100Kms and that's with very early shifting (2500rpm), no boosting (other when absolutely necessary) ... So yeah I think I have a problem somewhere as the economy should be a lot better when driving around like a granny..
  2. Thanks vidospace. I've spoken to Matt, looks like my order is ready they're just waiting for the shocks which should be in this week hopefully. Now that wasn't so hard .. that's all I wanted, to speak to someone and find out what's going on rather than be ignored for weeks and weeks.
  3. Guys these wheels have been SOLD months ago, please no more PMs!
  4. I'm not sure why you keep mentioning 'Sydneykid's bilstein specs' ... the shocks from what I understand are just the normal Bilstein shocks. What Sydneykid does is, he orders the extra circlip groves so that the car can be lowered and provides some specs that you should aim for with the help of caster/camber kits and wheel alignment... I don't think there's anything special about the shocks themselves though, someone correct me if i'm wrong. On another note, can all the people still waiting for their goods please contact me by PM?? I'd like to know just how many people are in the same situation now and what was the excuse you were given? I was told (mid august or so) that the delay was due to "Bilstein engineer was on holiday for 2 weeks" which sounded like a really stupid excuse that made no sense to me. So I'd like to know what excuse everyone else has been given, if any. I'm running out of patience and WILL take this guy to court unless I get my money or the product soon or atleast some sort of reliable ETA.
  5. what tyre pressure is ideal for 18's on an r34 gtt ? Right now I think I'm at 32psi which i believe was what the tyre place recommended.. I'm currently trying to go for a couple of weeks on 'cruise mode' only ie. as little boost as possible by shifting prior to 3000rpm and taking it easy in general. If it turns out I can get 350-400kms out of 50l I'll know there's nothing wrong with the car and it's just my driving style ... Heck it's one thing I enjoy and to hell with the extra $100 in fuel money a month if that's what it takes to have some fun!
  6. which brand is the Z32 AFM and how old ? I can maybe go to $1100 for the lot (I can get the pfc for $1220 brand new and afm for $270 so your asking price is a bit too high for me)
  7. I'd say so since they're part of the head ... try thicker oil first, that has fixed noisy lifters for a lot of people myself included (well fixed it 90%) I use Hi-Tec 10W40 (but any brand of the same viscosity should do the trick)
  8. my advice to you would be to go with a different supplier for anything suspension related. Some people have been promised goods in days and have been waiting for months without any updates on their orders, myself included (almost 2 months now, was told 5 days)
  9. r34 gtt here with light mods and tune and serviced and I get just under 300kms out of 50L ... that's city driving, 11.5psi and an occasional squirt here and there.. So that's about 17l/100kms If I was driving it like a shopping trolley it would probably do 350kms out of 50l which is about 14l/100kms so I think there's nothing wrong with it.
  10. Does anyone know Sydneykid's full name and address ? I've decided to take him to court to recover my money. I've had enough of playing these stupid waiting games.
  11. the EBC is in PSI mode ... what worries me is why suddenly the ebc displays -85 when the engine is warm and idle when it used to be -99. That's exactly one 6th which makes me think that something might be wrong with one of the cylinders?
  12. the EBC is in PSI mode ... what worries me is why suddenly the ebc displays -85 when the engine is warm and idle when it used to be -99. That's exactly one 6th which makes me think that something might be wrong with one of the cylinders?
  13. I had a profec b spec2 EBC installed a couple of months ago and the display would always show "-99" reading when the engine was warmed up and idle. I was told that this is very good because it shows that the compression is good ie. engine has not been trashed. Now all of a sudden recently, I have noticed that the ebc's display shows the vaccum around -85 instead (when warm and idle) after a major service during which all belts were changed (excl. timing, which was done earlier) oil, etc The weird thing is, on some days the ebc displays -99 or so when warm and idle and other days it just won't go below -87 What could this mean? Has there been some damage to the engine?? I'm using thicker oil (10W40) after the last service to stop some valve lifter tapping noises .. car seems responsive and as before but I'm worried something's gone wrong with the engine somewhere. Also I noticed that if the idle warm vaccum reading is -85 or so, when I press the clutch in it goes down to -90 ..and back to -85 when I let the clutch go. And another (possibly related) thing ... my belts were squealing badly (too loose) after last service so I took it to a local mechanic who I think may have overtightened them .. could this in any way explain the vaccum thing??
  14. woah ..thats a very noisy engine. I'm no expert so i won't make any guessess... However my 34 GTT had/has a bit of lifter noise (mostly fixed up by oil change to thicker oil 10W40 recently) but it sounded like this one I'm not sure why but your engine seems very noisy (almost like a V8 or a rexxy) and nothing like the lifter tapping noise as in the vid above
  15. Same here .. if I don't get my parts by the end of August (paid July 10th) I expect a full refund or I will scream fraud to whoever will listen, starting with my bank where the funds came from. This is piss poor way to conduct business, wheteher or not you're making a proft or not. How would you feel if you sent the parts out on the promise that people will pay when they get them and then have to chase up each non payer for months after wards? Screw this, for $300-400 more I can get the same suspension today and if I knew this 6 weeks ago I would have done just that.
  16. is it just me or does the web site appear a lot slower since the move to rackspace? i've done traceroutes and latency tests and it's approx. the same as previous host (latency and hops wise) so it must be the new server that's either overloaded or not powerful enough... A lot of my searches time out and pages often don't load for 20-30 seconds .. or is it just me??
  17. yeah I agree looks very nice ..can we get some more piccies please? How much did that set you back incl. fit and painting ? Was it just the front bar or whole kit?
  18. the glass was dark so they definately blew .. replaced them with different brand, will see how it goes.
  19. I'm not sure when the bulbs died the first time ..may have been like that when i got the car. But yeah I did have an alarm system installed. I'll try a different brand of bulbs like you suggested then if they blow again, off to auto electrician I go I guess.. Cheers
  20. Got my r34 gtt a couple of months ago and noticed that the front right parker and one of the rear left stoplight bulbs aren't working so I replaced them.. few days later, the same bulbs are dead again. what could cause them to die? electrical problem that's gonna be a PITA to diagnose and cost a shitload ? or could it be something simple like a fuse needing replacing ...? Any advice would be appreciated ...
  21. will it work in conjunction with the stock cd player joystick and on-screen (ie. on the popup LCD) controls ?
  22. I too am looking at replacing the standard radio/cassette player from my R34 .. I have the factory lcd screen/cd player above the aircon too. Is there a simple unit out there that can replace the factory cassette/radio player that would work in conjunction with the factory cdplayer/lcd ? I'd like to be able to play mp3 cds (or dvds even better ..more storage) but also use the cdplayer joystick+lcd as with the factory unit. Any drop-in units out there that are comptible?
  23. the whiteline springs will give you a harsher ride due to less travel .. ie. car sits lower.
  24. bilsteins are really good shocks ..better than most of the crap out there apparently. But be warned about the group buy, the delays are long .. I paid for mine a month ago and it could still be another few weeks before I have them.
  25. they use an aussie made (semi-synth I think) called Hi-Tec .. he says it's as good as any of the bigger names with billion dollar advertising budgets and I'm inclined to believe it.
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