haha got a story for ya
last night was my best mates 21st, so we had a boys night in town.
in-between the london tav and the crazy horse, we come accross an older male, stumbling, falling, totally smashed!
two cops on foot patrol come in the opposite direction, see that my other mate is trying to help this guy move off the road,
stare at him for about 3 seconds, and carry on there merry way leaving my mate asking for help, to help
some dude he has never seen before
the cops reply was '' i dont get paid enough for that''
at which point, my mates who's 21st it was, turns to the cops face, and calls him useless!! the cop says ''excuse me?!''
Adam replys '' your useless, both of you''
the cops reply was a very lame ''your the useless one, mate''
so what does the pair of ''helpful law enforcement orrificer's do? just walk off as if they never seen it.
at which point i felt the need to chip in my fair share, explaining i felt my hard earned tax $ where going to something
useful, in a very sarcastic manner, of course.
why have these boys on these streets if they are just going to ignore what happens?