wow, i got a nice surprise in the mail today
2 years after a non-insured VL hit my in the rear of my old VT,
i got a cheque for a measily 450 bucks out of the 2g im owed.
i called RAA and pretty much said wtf, turns out he is only payin $50 bucks here and there.....
scum bag.
lol, that lounge suite and pillows are in the games room, thats my drunk bed!! lol
i have to sleep on it when i get smashed..... (most weekends now i dont have a skyline)
finally got a minute to upload a pic of my first tat
its just starting to scab, itchy much?!?
its white in the middle, camera doesnt really do it much justice tbh
lol, ill see you at the bartley tav at 7
dw, will roll my sleeves up once her head has finished spinning around on her shoulders haha
na she wont mind, its not that bad, best of all, my bosses gave me the thumbs up!
it is bigger than i planned, takes up half my fore arm!!!
colour and all....
cant go to villies, got my mums 40th dinner
will keep the pro-tat on it!!!
missus hasnt seen it yet, will wait til i get to mu olds place
(safe in my mums arms lol)
no nothing yet, unfortunately.
we did have a s2 stag in japland that the gf actually really liked! but sold before auction
i was pissed!
then we looked at ruby's s1, but she doesnt like them without the kit and it has to be black....
so we have just put the car thing on hold for a while, till after our gold coast holiday in feb etc
will be in another import soon-ish.
good, he seems to only really enjoy working on loyal customers rides imo
as time went on he slowly began to remember me ang give me decent prices etc.
his work is quality though. when i was having trouble with
me 33 he was always happy to chat bout it over the phone.
ill def. take my next line there.