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craig R33

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Everything posted by craig R33

  1. i see supercheap sells DBA slotted rotors, 129 ea.....would they stock them for a 33?
  2. oh ohhhhhh, rubys in trouble.........
  3. ha ha. i couldnt be that cruel.... wohoo 500 posts! in just over 2 months. god, mum was right, i am a whore
  4. ha ha, wish i thought of that, he just replied with a massive offer raise of 630......dipshit. next thing he will be asking to pay me $1 pw
  5. ha ha, someone just offered me 600 for my rims my reply was.......ROFLMO.......thats all i wrote. god, next they will want them for free.
  6. yeah it surprising hoew easy it is once you know how, i still gotta pull mine apart ans see why one has stopped working. meh, ill add it to the 50 other things to do.
  7. go for it mate, i dont mind people having a good laugh at my expense lol.
  8. ahhhhh, derrrrrrrr... *slaps forehead and calls himself a dickhead*
  9. ^^ sounds good! are you still comin steve? i need a new sig, this one is rather outdated ~hint hint~ i just realised, my laptop doesnt have down aarow, like this ^ but down........hmmmmmm
  10. i may be able to help you out with the helmet situation, im always willing to help a brother out lol
  11. ^^ * starts up microsoft excel and gets the laminator ready*
  12. oohhh, where can i get a 33 gtr placard in case i get pulled over for my 19s?
  13. could have been the prob, but split fires wont hurt.... just dont get them wet.
  14. Ahhhh good idea, ill give that a shot,and give my missus another thing to complain about ha ha jks. thanks mate!
  15. will do,....do they take long to dry out? i obviously cant drive it while its still damp?
  16. ok, petrol it is lol,
  17. your telling me! not exactly my idea of a perfect transaction, so if your interested, these still maybe up for sale! $700 CASH, COME AND TAKE THEM! NEED NEW TIMING BELT AND WATER PUMP!
  18. ha ha, SCI is just starting up, needs more voters lol, iron chef, i have heard good things from them to, see who gives you the better deal mate.
  19. Dude they have been up for sale for ages.....the sale isnt exactly cash in hand, so if your genuinely interested, let me know.
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