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craig R33

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Everything posted by craig R33

  1. any friends or family in the market for a great investment property, or first home? please pass it on! http://www.realestate.com.au/realestate/ag...ojsal/106359926
  2. Does anyone have any contacts to anyone who does pre purchase building inspections?? off the top of my head, ruby might know someone, so ill pm him.. any one else? i dont really feel like whipping out the key card for a $600 bill, just for someone to say, ''yep, all good''. thanks all.
  3. f**kN WOOOOOOOHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO just got a call from the agent whom we put an offer on a house to yesterday, they accepted and he comin round tomoz with the contract
  4. http://img.moonbuggy.org/tapir-cunnilingus/ http://img.moonbuggy.org/tokyo-drift/
  5. awwwww a special new date.... i seee
  6. http://www.mallala.com/321go/practice.html pretty sure it says march 27
  7. eerrrrmmmmm, since when is prac 6th march anyway??? calender says march 27.
  8. no, ill just be watching........ffs
  9. need more info... sounds like a v8 as in running lumpy?? sounds like a V8 as in it goes ''omgggg thatz siiik''?? upload a youtube vid. or add a better description.
  10. dammit......... i just polished of 3/4 a pack of tim tams.... pretty sure im just gonna tell the missus i dropped them on the floor and had to put them in the bin... eheheh
  11. i have had my 31 since october, and only done one skid. depressing. workshop has had it for >5 weeks. depressing. i know there was a fair bit of work, but geez, srs?
  12. i like to think of myself as a pretty patient guy.... BUT FOR PHUCKSAKES I WANT MY SKYLINE BACK AND FINISHED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is all.
  13. well, now you mention it.... and by ribbon, you do mean toilet paper? i have plenty of that, and already paid for.
  14. lol, my wedding is in 8ish months and i havent even thought bout cars yet.. Ruby i right tho, id leave it to a later date, the last thing you want to happen is to rely on someone, only to have them sell the car just before the date... pretty sure im just gonna use a taxi. cheaper.
  15. spotted Luke's GTR at AM performance, dude give that thing a wash! lol and yes, i finally understand him now..........sort of
  16. uughgh, im a tard, you meant the other craig lol
  17. Hallet cove?? now or then? i still go there for work every friday...
  18. nnnaaa man, i left that when i left city x ya douche. nearly 3 years ago! and yeah, rent - a - cops are fair decent shit kickers. never, ever ever ever ever ever will i return to that. i dont have the patience lol put in a word for me for the job at Shannons eh?
  19. go flip another burger ya goose
  20. lol craig, i still remember that night we rocked up on that commo cruise in the sil80 that night, and you pointed out all the cable ties n shit hahahaha many lols that night!
  21. they look like splitfires? if they are, just grab them for $100, thats cheap as it is!! tight ass. lol
  22. yeah what i linked you to was it, it was MEANT to come with driver CD, but didnt. and when i asked the seller where it is, the retard gave me that fail link!! heaps good.... ill give that one a shot Abe.
  23. that site failed Abe, pretty sure i aint payin for it!
  24. thanks Abe, downloading now! i got this cheap piece of poop http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi...e=STRK:MEWNX:IT
  25. FKN LOL!!! sif thats you craig..... remember me??
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