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craig R33

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Everything posted by craig R33

  1. you started it!!!
  2. aaahh yeah....let me know when there up, or just link them in here!! we need an sau drift vid thread, plenty of people on here do it.
  3. pretty sure you should upload that fateful last scandy champ, was a mad entry...until
  4. awesome night, got some good footage on Chads cam, even fabs making love to the tyre stack (sorry mate, hate to do it) was good to catch up with a few familiar faces also... pretty sure Luke had a tent pole in his jeans the whole night
  5. eheheh ehhhmmmm...... ruby.... i believe you may have a video clip that may be of interest to me???
  6. no sorry, i sold the standard turbo with actuator a while ago.
  7. RB20 standard exhaust manifold $50 rb20/25 standard flywheel, needs a clean $30 standard dump pipe, 2x farmers union iced coffee's got a fair bit of other standard shit for an rb20 also, just cant remember off the top of my head, pm me with what your after..
  8. Auto sport magill road.
  9. tell me bout it..... id really hate to be that guy right about now, spesh considering everyone knows where he lives
  10. yer, now my missus is gonna tear me a new anus when she sees our term deposit acc. has been raided on another note, i stole this from ns.com i likey this thread alot, pretty sure i have seen all parties involved on here before, so beware http://nissansilvia.com/forums/index.php?s...;st=0&fcat= enjoy.
  11. soo, car will be finished inside of 2 weeks then i stupidly asked him for an estimate of the final bill.... so i went from to in a matter of bout.... 4 seconds... Kinda reminds me of when i was learning how to seks
  12. i cant fuuking believe how much i look like this dude, we even went to school together! vv me vv http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2...260627_3948.jpg vv lookalike guy vv http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1220...100000071388861
  13. thats the gang of 49 luke, they each needed like 10 cm worth for there bongs
  14. i know, i misread your post and couldnt be f'd editing mine, my bad.
  15. just so you know matty, channel 9 now have the rights to top gear.
  16. read the whole story mang http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=312923646124 and http://www.driftkulture.com/?p=3046
  17. c'mon boys, lax......... does everyone have there menstrual cycle this week or somethin?
  18. :overused popcorn emoticon:
  19. Hmmm, something tells me some practice, before the practice is fair due ? lookin forward to it, as always
  20. lol, i feels teh love
  21. Homo. Ill be catchin a lift with Fabs, who is also sliding... hope he gets into those scando's again! lol
  22. Happy Ben??
  23. he has red hair...thats pretty unfortunate.
  24. wow, you can use google images, your heaps sick'n shit
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