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craig R33

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Everything posted by craig R33

  1. steve... what ya on about?
  2. haha dan, think iv made up my mind, cichlid community it is. i also like pretty colours
  3. thats why i like them they apparently seem to have personality too? seem like pretty cool fish! cant go past the colour of a community of cichlids
  4. you keep oscars along with other cichlids? the oscar doesnt eat them? TALBO, nevermind matey, i dont wanna strain your brain.
  5. sence of humor?
  6. hard decision! for my new aquarium 1x oscar, grow to 12'' cool because they also eat live food, only one for my tank. OR African cichlids, bit harder to look after, will be a little harder to set the tank up for them... >>HERE<< i cant decide
  7. +1 on lukes brake install. took the time, did it right, no complaints wasnt nuff to stop the new owner in time tho
  8. lol, his name is dominic.. origin of that name? nuff sed.
  9. dang............ what was it bout anyway? re-surfacing finished?
  10. gotta feel sorry for the poor bastards using it,... would love to hear the reason behind it
  11. i just threw up my hot cross bun back into my mouth..
  12. haha yeah, adelaides just too small
  13. oooooh what? i want tits n ass!!!! i loving that commercial
  14. Ha ha steve and james, wendy went to charles campbell! she's 25 so, so you prob would have been there round the same time.
  15. *yawn*
  16. mmmmm me likey
  17. we're thinkin bout buying a vid cam, and getting a family member to film the wedding, as oppsosed to paying an additional 5 or so hunge on top of the existing photographers bill.. anyway...... we wouldnt mind one that records direct to cd, any reccomendations? is SV better?
  18. Yes, 20/25 dumps are the same fitment.
  19. nope, im not stimulated yet... dunno why im in such a hurry? Sunnybrae function centre is getting all of mine LOL at poopy nappies, since wendy is like Ben and gags at the sight of yoghurt (true story) ill have to be in charge of that fine task... soooo im currantly watching this on eeeeebay maaaate CLICKY
  20. Yeah for sure.. its pretty expensive, but well worth it! otherwise, we would have to wait till 27ish weeks for the free 4D at modbury, and even then we only get 1 photo.. with Fetal Fotos, we get pics and DVD to show off ill pm a link to the site for later refferrence
  21. i hope for girl, im from a family full of boys lol na not quite 17 weeks Nene, were at 15, we are having the 4D scan to determine the sex, just to make it that little more exciting!! congrats again, and congrats to Benny!! PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!! lol ps, i still have Bens jacket...
  22. congrats Nene!! how far now? were less than 2 weeks away from finding out what were having
  23. i freakin love that ute!!!!! perfect fitment...... unlike some VN commo with VT tail lights i seen in liddabef
  24. thanks dale, you beat me to it
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