The point to point speed cameras they were talking about earlier in the year were going to be on the main highways in/out of the state, so areas where you have nice long unbroken sections of road. Dukes Highway, Barrier Highway, etc. Not on North Terrace.
They do already use them in VIC and I think NSW? Just be thankful that SA hasn't implemented the red light/speed cameras with the same gusto that NSW took it up with in the last two years. I went back recently and damn, in some parts, people were driving like South Australians... But there are point to point cameras on the highways in to Melbourne.
The tram extension is awesome. 10 mins walk and then I have a free trip into town. No hassles with trying to find parking or having to deal with the traffic. Also, they did spend the money on the roads as well, remember what Port Road/North Terrance and those intersections used to be like before they fixed them up? It's now probably the smoothest section of road in the state. :S
The tram extension - extension plans however... exercise in stupidity. They want to link it from the entertainment centre cross Port Road and then run them on the train tracks out to Port Adelaide/Westlakes... now that's exactly duplicating a service, whilst putting another crossing on Port Road, *and* not taking advantage of the best thing about light rail, in that you can run it where people want to go. It should go down Port Road or Grange Road, do something for those suburbs & shopping centres with no rail transportation. Or head out to the beach along Grange, then down to Glenelg and you'd have a nice tram loop. /train rant...