and pretty sure just cos theres no restricter in ur turbo feed its still like 1/4 or smaller then the size of ur drain, so i would think the drain will be big enuff for the turbo n head aswell..... does that make sense ?? ive had a few beers
crazy late reply, but yeah at work we have had a few rash jobs redone and unless u know the exact spot u can see shit. n u have to know exactly where to look n its still hard to see
some days ben it is... and some nights i dont know how i survive..... and well new years is just around the corner mate, thats gonna be a looooong couple of days
u forgot where they cut u off and then hurl abuse at u like u did something wrong.... ohh and brand new cars that mustn't have come factory fitted with indicators.
far from glass... they are a resonable gearbox if maintained correctly and u use decent oils... make sure its always full and u shouldnt have a problem... unless u have enuff power to kick 3rd n 4th cos they have circlips in place n they are a little weak
thats why u mod cars lol... to be different. in saying that if u dont wanna spend BULK cash then yes lightly mod an S15, theres parts everywhere for them