sweet as. will do.... what if i bring 50 ppl ?? still cool
when the jets back on the road it might be call for a cruise... n the other mack town boys have theirs on the road.
we could do airlie again
there why dont u get benny to rebuild it and u can learn from him while his doin it... or u rebuild it with ben telling u what to do while his drinkin some beers that u also provide
see thats a win win situation ISNT IT BEN hahah
its called "being the bigger man".... all u had to do is say "mate im paying for the fuel and then ill move my car"
acting like that will get u stabbed or shot up... u know cos mack town's full of gangsta's
umm autobarn actually sell some decent quality parts... and the price isnt even that bad (depending on what u buy)
doesnt matter what shop it is. its not nice seeing it go up in flames. specially when 4 little cun7s lit it up
im auto lek/mechanic now man... once i finish this car and finish building these new ones ill be into the workshop full time. instead of goin from 1 side to the other
anyone should be happy to do it... if capable. you just tell them what u want and they should do it... tell them u want a print out of before and after too