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Everything posted by dysonest

  1. sweet as. will do.... what if i bring 50 ppl ?? still cool when the jets back on the road it might be call for a cruise... n the other mack town boys have theirs on the road. we could do airlie again
  2. 1 would look horse shi7... u would defo be lookin at 2
  3. well everywhere i read they reckon its bumped up to 9:1 ay :s either way its gonna see 30+
  4. its 9.0:1 sweet.... will be high 30's then
  5. whats a vvti 1j dan ?? ahh who cares we'll go 30+ anyway
  6. ur worse then me with motivation towards cars haha
  7. woulda been way easier to put the gate on the mani.... but anyway haha
  8. no where.....
  9. there why dont u get benny to rebuild it and u can learn from him while his doin it... or u rebuild it with ben telling u what to do while his drinkin some beers that u also provide see thats a win win situation ISNT IT BEN hahah
  10. if his paying someone to swap a box i doubt he will have the tools / know how to rebuild it ben
  11. 5 hours ??? whats he doing for the other 3hrs.... 2hr job f**k 3hrs tops
  12. even time has its pro's and con's... truth is everyone gets over it sooner or later
  13. that the one u were building out northsore way phil ?? i think thats where it was :S chuck up a pic
  14. its called "being the bigger man".... all u had to do is say "mate im paying for the fuel and then ill move my car" acting like that will get u stabbed or shot up... u know cos mack town's full of gangsta's
  15. ohhhh bringing the lols... so many big dream boats in mackay ohh and worlds best street fighters
  16. seriously ?? pretty shit joke
  17. i'll get a 44 of petrol
  18. umm autobarn actually sell some decent quality parts... and the price isnt even that bad (depending on what u buy) doesnt matter what shop it is. its not nice seeing it go up in flames. specially when 4 little cun7s lit it up
  19. im auto lek/mechanic now man... once i finish this car and finish building these new ones ill be into the workshop full time. instead of goin from 1 side to the other
  20. nengun, rhdjapan, greenline, yahoo japan..... always email jesse streeter a part number for a price he is 90% of the time the cheapest
  21. wtf seriously..... take ur rims off n take them into the shop then they cant say its illegal cos they dont know the car
  22. anyone should be happy to do it... if capable. you just tell them what u want and they should do it... tell them u want a print out of before and after too
  23. WOLF FTW... check this shit i been doin at work... FUN... swapping a cab of a rolled hilux/building 1 out of 2 utes
  24. hit chris up about fuel system... ART got some good package deals
  25. yeah vs kf's
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