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About AHR31

  • Birthday 01/09/1970

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    Mt Warren Park
  • Interests
    Wife's body

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    HR31 GTS Coupe, V35 350GT
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  1. Cheers Chris, I was going to call you when I got back on my next R&R. BOSE head unit has started occasionally cutting out for 1-2 seconds. Wife said it happened half a dozen times on the 25min drive home yesterday??? Hope this isn't a sign of it being on the way out. She also had the throttle cleaned as the car would start but not idle (stall) when started if the engine was warmed up, no issue at all when starting from cold. I personally think the idle is set maybe a 1-200rpm or so too low. Will make a time to bring it up to you so you can check any fault codes etc. I will call you on Monday during my lunch break (1:30-2pm) re the light. Keen for your input on interior LED lighting too.
  2. Over 70 views and no feedback? Someone must have had the same issue before...
  3. Wife just got her car serviced today and was told that the high stop/3rd brake light needed replacing and that she would be best sourcing one from the net to save some money. I have checked this forum and G35 forum and it appears that these are stupidly expensive to replace. I was hoping someone on here may have replaced one on their coupe recently and can give me some info on where to source them for a reasonable price. This is for a 2003 coupe without a boot mounted spoiler. I would also like to install an interior LED kit. Can someone recommend a kit from online, perhaps eBay? Thanks in advance!
  4. Have not been on the forums for months due to work and crappy internet (FIFO Brisbane/Curtis Island, Gladstone) and that was the wife's coupe you spotted. She drove up with the girls to see her brother during the school holidays and spend a few days with me. Enjoying some R&R and time driving our Skylines as Im only home one week in every five. Happy New Year to all.
  5. I had an iPod cable connected by Chris and you access the iPod by hitting the CD button twice on the BOSE unit.
  6. Update, Finally got the assessor to approve the quote late yesterday so parts are now on order. Quarter panel to come from Japan so have been told (worst case) it could take 6-8 weeks. Rays been sent to be repaired, thankfully only scratches, no buckles. Chassis and all suspension checked out okay so that was good news. For those unfortunate enough to find themselves in a similar situation and without their car whilst its been repaired, I was not aware but its a legal obligation for the party at faults insurer to pay for a hire car whilst yours is being repaired. Acorn Rentals is a company that handles this for you. A simple online form (providing you have full details of the party at fault) and they do the rest. Don't get tricked in to renting one yourself (if a hire car is not included in your policy) and then sending the claim to their insurer and hope (pray) they reimburse you! The wife just wanted a small 3-door like a Toyota Yaris but we got a free upgrade to a Nissan Duallis so very happy. As for CDR, Nicole has been brilliant in keeping us informed with every development of our claim from their end. Extremely impressed with their customer service. I have every confidence in them restoring the coupe to its former glory and putting a simile back on my wife's face...she so misses her Skyline!
  7. Thanks guys. Just spoke to Nicole @ CDR and they have worked on a couple of these cars before. Will flatbed it over there tomorrow and begin the process. Thanks for the quick responses!
  8. My wife was t-boned in her V35 coupe this morning just outside the primary school by a Nissan Navara. As you will see from the photos the panel damage is fairly extensive. The other driver has admitted fault and our insurance (Shannon's) is covering all the relevant costs. Its been nearly 20yrs since I needed a repairer so I am seeking recommendations from club members to ensure the wife's pride and joy is returned to its former glory. Unfortunately this wont buff out!!!
  9. Keen also, how many pairs do you need to order to get them for this price and what sort of wait would you be looking at?
  10. Text message sent Thursday re lower drivers door weather strip?
  11. Whilst I have only had interior parts wrapped in 3M carbon I have seen plenty of quality external installs here in Brisbane. I would say the vast majority of us Brisbane SAU members use Stephen @ Wrapture Styling for all of their needs. Check out his website (http://www.wrapturestyling.com/) and he is also on FB. Loads of images to feast your eyes on. Been in Sydney distance will/could be a problem for you but if you talk to Stephen perhaps he can recommend someone for you? Good luck but be warned, carbon wrapping is addictive!
  12. I check out his FB page (Facebook.com/RainbowBriteG35) to find out a little more. The lip is a URAS item, apparently the very first URAS lip in the USA & only #5 in existence (as of Jan '12). As for suspension, running a Stance Solutions + Air Lift suspension kit for that slammed look (http://www.stance-solutions.co.uk/1). Lots of other mods under the carbon bonnet too.
  13. Regardless, super hot . Need more pics, would like to know whats under the hood & behind the glass.
  14. +1 on the photos, keep us informed!
  15. My wife gets around 650km per tank driving her 350GT auto against rush hour traffic 5 (sometimes 6) days a week whilst running the aircon full time. Sounds like you might be just a little heavy of the loud pedal, the car is badly in need of a tune, or both. We always run 98ron fuel, never 95 or 91. When I picked up the car from NSW and drove it back to QLD I got 800km!
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