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Everything posted by CS_180

  1. i take offence to that pred 666
  2. tehehehhe luv DMX WHHHHHAAAAAA
  3. 2F2F sound track
  4. no offense bri but hell no she not driving
  5. 700hp hell how did u get 590 mines only at about 560
  6. man u guys make me feel inferior!!!! i always seem to be 4-5 sec behind then i catch up and u go quicker
  7. manion which lancer u using?
  8. 1.43.317
  10. 7 oclock news ??? WHAT THE???
  11. as far as im aware the only illegal thing with spoilers is if they are alloy cause the bastards would take ure arm off if u got hit by one
  12. careful duncan u might brake something if u keep straining like that
  13. hehehhehehhehe come on i class this as tonite already
  14. no pressure tosh
  15. carn tosh im on hols i need something to occupie me CHALLENGE #4 UP
  16. I will be there 11am sharp!!!!!!!!!!! 4 sure
  17. can i get a pic of the 180sx bar ? very interested [email protected]
  18. www.japaneseimportparts.com have a look there he has stack of turbos and things
  19. yeah i figured that but thought iwould ask anyways
  20. is it only the one seat ice????
  21. MR R32 do u only have the one seat or a set my bother is interested but only in a set
  22. Very funny tosh gotta luv a good joke on a monday morning
  23. i have a standard spoiler of my 180 that i dont need any more make an offer anything over $100 gets it dont have a pic but i will try work on that
  24. im there pls add me to list
  25. swordfish try www.japaneseimportparts.com gets em real cheap from japan ships em straight to u try him will be cheapest i assure you
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