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Everything posted by twennyone

  1. spotted a nice blue R32 GTR in southbank, SAU stickers. Plates were GZLGTR or something like that. Sweet lookin ride mate! Mine was the silver 34 parked a couple of spaces behind you.
  2. Now maybe its just me, but it seems like the majority of people who drive a VW Golf think that they're Lewis Hamilton. Apologies to anyone on here who may actually drive a golf.
  3. Silver 34 was prob me going to work. God damned 10 hr shifts gettin me up early!
  4. i think Geelong were too soft today. Hawks played harder. IMO the game changing moment was in the 3rd Q when Clarkson moved stewie dew to full forward and buddy on to the wing. Dew was too big for scarlett and turned the game, kicking a couple of goals, and gettinghis hands on the footy. Just my 2 cents. Good on the hawks though, definitely the better team on the day.
  5. also, does anyone know of any filippino restaurants, exceot for Centro in footscray?
  6. I didnt grow up in melbourne, but everywhere I've had peking duck (brisbane, sydney, adelaide) they always make 3 things with it. I was always told that duck is brought to life 3 times, or some such shit, and whenever peking duck was ordered they would ask what else you wanted it in, i.e you could get peking duck, the rest of the duck in fried rice, and then the bones in soup. But I cant find anywhere here that does it. When I ask they just look at me like I'm stupid, haha. I went to pacific house tonight and they didnt know what I was talking about (food was nice though). Has anyone who grew up here heard of this? Is there anywhere that does it? i just saw the post about a place in collingwood, but I mean is it uncommon for places to serve it in this fashion?
  7. Pho would have to be my fav asian/viet food. The best Pho I've had is on victoria st. Cant remember the name of the place, and even if I did, I couldnt spell it. Maybe Anh Anh, or something like that. I'm sure there are good places in springvale, but I dont live out that way. After that my fav asian food would be Filippino. Calderetta and pancit especially. However there are no decent filo restaurants in melb.
  8. Saw a nice looking white R34 GTR parked on wells st, sth melb. Looked like it had a CF bonnet, but not sure. May be a fresh import as it had no number plates. Anyone from here?
  9. When I took my 34 in to vic roads, they said just fill in whatever you can, so I left those ones blank, and it all went ok.
  10. Just to give you a comparison, I imported my 34 and all up to have it on the road it cost me just under $23k, which I thought was a pretty good price, mine was stock with 80k km and in great condition. So as has been said, be careful, suss it out, it could be hot, dodgy, or as carizma said, could be un complied.
  11. Saw a slick looking white 33 at maccas on clarendon at about 4am. WEA-XXX Kitted up and looked like it had 18" on it, but cant be sure.
  12. heres some pics. Just after I picked it up from compliance.
  13. Live in South Melbourne at the moment. I'm usually around there or east side. I will post up some pics asap. I have some on my desk top computer from when I first got it, really need one decent day so I can give it a wash and take some decent pics, its lookin pretty filthy atm.
  14. Hey Guys, So it turns out at the start of the year I discovered my work had been under paying me by $4.50 an hour. After going through the proper channels to rectify this, they had to go and back pay me $4.50 for every hour I'd worked for just over a year. The result was just over 8k in my bank account! (after tax) So, naturally, i kicked in the rest and went and imported and R34 GTT, and couldnt be happier with my buy! Its stock standard, really good condition, and will be looking to add some mods around christmas time. See you guys around the forums or the road!
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