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Everything posted by AndrewJZX100

  1. hey man, might actually be keen for the gearbox. Has it got the slave cylinder on it still? Sending ya a PM
  2. WTB RB20 clutch, preferrably something half decent (not stock) with a bit of meat left. Probably best to PM this user name on NS if you got something, as I hardly get on here
  3. Evening suckas Don't mind me, just passing through
  4. ^ I purposely avoided that today, knew there'd be something in there about hoons or car crushing or some such bullshit. Also you still want me to pilot your vehicle for some pics Dave?
  5. yeewwwww I love it when plans just materialise out of fking no where Was thinking I was going to be bored as fk tonight, now in the stages of closing the deal on a boozer with the missus and some mates
  6. Well at least they are doing something with it, I drove down the freeway on satdy where the upgrade had been completed recently and it was pretty nice. Loby road got a bit of work in the first half of the year also, along with a few other troublesome patches of macadam around the hills, so at least they're using SOME of the cash for it's intended purpose. Still gonna sting a bit when rego for the sil is due in about a month
  7. Sure it can, it's mixed with a healthy dose of happiness in every bottle with an alcohol content Sometimes the happiness is the dominant emotion, sometimes the sadness shines through, it's part of the fun of drinking Also, YAY for Chad I'm the blue sil, second car in frame on that vid the cam didn't seem to capture the savageness of the Bee*R very well though
  8. Thats a fair point. The media make some pretty rediculous generalisations and comments at times, but they also occaisionally bring out a half decent piece of journalism that is somewhat unbiased. Unfortunately, the same can't be said of the general public, of which 99% seem to be quite content to label anything with and exhaust and/or shiny wheels as a hoon car and assume it's driver is hell-bent on causing disruption and chaos to their lives. The papers and news shows know this so they cater to peoples fears (however unfounded) because they know they will sell papers/get ratings. I'm fairly over the whole sensationalist nature of hoon propaganda. There is no point trying to sway peoples views, they won't listen. There's no point trying to argue against unfair generalisations, they won't change. All thats left to do is ignore the hype, ignore the bullshit, and just fly under the radar while the actual 'hoons' (those who DO go out simply to create a nuisance and drop skids in residential areas to piss people off etc) get themselves in the shit.
  9. And you say you're not good enough to do peoples tax You're too modest Dan
  10. pfft, someone has tickets on themselves don't they Dan I just use the local tax gents, have gotten me decent returns for the last few years and it barely costs me anything after I got $$ off for referring a few people to them
  11. I had a hearty lol at Lainie Anderson's piece a bit further on, she makes mention of how a few workshops will return your car to standard if it gets defected and clear the defect and re-fit the parts. She goes on to say that if someones car got defected for illegal mods it should be crushed to stop this from happening Some of the view points the media put across on this issue border on lunacy at times, makes for a great laugh if anything else.
  12. lol I know, and I'm eating fruit as I type this Better call the zoo and make sure the cops haven't flown away
  13. nah, mine was the dark blue stock looking one with no plates, black centred dishies on the back (R33 stockies on the front) and the Bee*R making a lot of noise Only did the first 2 sessions in the beginner group, first time out in 18 months so was just taking it easy.
  14. lol yeah i've done that too in the past ... and the helmet strap as well too excited about dropping skids hahahaa
  15. Sweeeeeeeeeeet cheers mate
  16. Ok well I seem to have no long sleeve t shirts at all at my disposal, which doesn't bode well for drift prac tonight. To those who have actually driven on mallala, are button up long sleeve shirts acceptable (100% cotton)? Or 100% cotton hoodies? Apologies for the new thread but I need an answer fairly quickly.
  17. God I love it when you ghetto repair some drift damage and it actually turns out well Munched the front corner of the sil a few nights ago. Nothing major just a bent guard, scraped front bar and parker light was MIA. Bent the guard mostly back out, masked up the lights and gave her a quick spray and from a distance you almost wouldn't even pick it . Just chucked one of those crystal parkers in there (gay looking thing) for now until I get another stock one from JIS tomorrow - then it should be almost back to former glory Now to make sure I avoid Clems tyres on satdy evening
  18. Fkn ns.com is still down need to suss the classifieds for some shit too, typical
  19. northies: not as dumb as they look
  20. You're up in the north yeah? Probably had a hydro crop in the 'bike' sheds
  21. Yeah Conrad with the Z33 has it now, and yeah from the pics he has on his facebook she's still looking piggish as ever Probably a good swap for a crown, much better for daily duties but not as fun
  22. lol nah i need to save my money so I can slide my real car and buy a parker light that I broke while performing aforementioned skids
  23. lol I'd be down for go-kart drift trains, if I were attending
  24. Why would he think such a thing?
  25. ^ that is a decent effort
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