Thats a fair point. The media make some pretty rediculous generalisations and comments at times, but they also occaisionally bring out a half decent piece of journalism that is somewhat unbiased.
Unfortunately, the same can't be said of the general public, of which 99% seem to be quite content to label anything with and exhaust and/or shiny wheels as a hoon car and assume it's driver is hell-bent on causing disruption and chaos to their lives.
The papers and news shows know this so they cater to peoples fears (however unfounded) because they know they will sell papers/get ratings.
I'm fairly over the whole sensationalist nature of hoon propaganda. There is no point trying to sway peoples views, they won't listen. There's no point trying to argue against unfair generalisations, they won't change. All thats left to do is ignore the hype, ignore the bullshit, and just fly under the radar while the actual 'hoons' (those who DO go out simply to create a nuisance and drop skids in residential areas to piss people off etc) get themselves in the shit.