I reckon you're in an awesome position to trade up for a turbo. Shouldn't be too hard to find a young kid with a turbs 34 who is being given grief from his parents/the constabulary because of recent events and wants to get rid of his turbo but still wants a nice car.
As for the media - it is all entertainment these days. Unbaised, purely factual reports do not stir the emotions like an over-emphasised and alarmist 'story'. Praying on emotions and driven by a government's personal agenda to win the masses at the expense of the minority, there is little to no value in the words and pictures conveyed through current affairs programs.
Give it a month or 2 and there'll be another 'flavour of the week' story to run into the ground and stir the pensioners pencils and hoons will be pushed to the wayside.
And thats about it for anything with serious undertones posted by me for a while I think
I'm gonna go have some beers, later all