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Everything posted by AndrewJZX100

  1. Put me down for the wombat.
  2. A+ thread, would read again.
  3. Mines going toward the new vehicle If the plans go ahead
  4. all will be revealed in due time... Melodramatic
  5. I may be blowing the money I was going to use to be debt free on a car rather soon... Skids are foreseeable in the near future... *waits for scandy to pipe up*
  6. Hmmmmmmmmmm *ponders* Nah I wouldn't, although I'd have to say I'd laugh so hard if someone did Also, goddam I hate it when you let someone know you are rediculously keen on their vehicle, and they don't get back to you in any way, shape or form. The dude was online and when I sussed his profile he was 'using member control panel' so he was reading my PM, yet no reply in sight. At least tell me if you're not keen for a swap so I don't get my hopes up FFS.
  7. Might wanna get a wriggle on, there are quite a few cheap vehicles around and I'm the worst impulse buyer ever
  8. You suuuure you don't wanna have a look at the sil? BULK keen on something like this...
  9. Any real cheap ones?
  10. ^ lol fk why say that man, I've got a clean NA sil and a bit of money and I'd be looking at 32 with similar mods to yours in a few months Why are you doing this to me man
  11. Nah swamp donkeys ftl, although I put it to you that she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose
  12. 'Preferred game' is quite broad of a description though
  13. It's a lot quicker than waiting for them to drink the 4 pack of cruisers I'm a busy man, time is money.
  14. What, introduce her to chloroform after about 5 seconds of 'yeah, um, like, oookaaayyy'? LOL devo, I only saw that bird he posted who was -1 chin, and even then her rack was aight But yeah those threads contain obscene amounts of awesome.
  15. LOL I think if you were to look more carefully you'll find it's actually the opposite. Although the myspace girls thread and the emo girls thread both get regular visits
  16. What are you implying?
  17. Did you reply with 'hey how'd you like to lose a bunch of teeth' Peter Griffin style?
  18. Yeah I can imagine that'd be grounds for a talking to It was only 2 karts on the track when I was doing so even if I lost all momentum (which is often in the slow Kart Mania rigs) then it wasn't a big deal I was just trying to get angles
  19. What about drifting them? Last time I was there I was chucking it into the corner just after the straight as quick as I could and sliding the whole thing as it tightened up Giving the brakes a huge stab coming into the corner after the back straight is a bit of fun too
  20. No wuckas Adrian Anyway I'm off to bed to dream of drifting like last night Neeeeeeeeed another skid car badly
  21. Ahem, I think it was I that alerted you to said CA package Just finding it now, but NS is running like a CAde auto with fked coilpacks at the moment.... Here 'tis
  22. Yeah thats what I thought. CA with turbo and loom and all the shit you need plus gb as well. I was gonna get my mate to help with the conversion as he just finished putting a 25 into his workmates R32 over the weekend (took 5 days from when he drove in with an NA 25 to driving out with a 25DET) but yeah I'd rather something with an RB20 in it
  23. Theres a full CA engine package (with box n shit) on NS for sale at the mo for 1700, I was gonna get it but I want another RB20
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