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Everything posted by AndrewJZX100

  1. Haha fair enough, was just wondering if it was a well known member of a certain forum or not
  2. Did you catch the plate of that Evo during the hectic traffic light grudge match Ruby?
  3. I'm usually in a decent mood at work (i work in a servo too ), always greeting people nicely and dropping 'take it easy mate' and 'have a good day' and shit when they leave I reckon the cheap energy drinks is what does it
  4. Yes, yes it is
  5. WTF does Clem own the showgrounds too?
  6. Should've just said 'yeah I am, you're fired' and see his reation you out of all people, I never would've guessed it Dave
  7. Fk I want to get back out there, it's been a year now Which means it's also been a year since I got rid of the 100. I reckon I'm doing well not to have clocked out early
  8. I'd say nah don't bother. It sounds like even if you do borrow you won't end up in the car you REALLY want, so my advice would be keep saving until your off the Ps/finished studying, then look at your situation. I borrowed 10k when I was 19 to get a car. Would've been alright if I didn't extend that twice when in a tight spot Snowballed into about 18k in total, then some bad choices and bad luck slashed my assets from a car realistically saleable for about 20k to one I got just 6.5k for when I sold it a few months ago. Now I've got a car worth 3.5k, about the same in the bank and my total cost to pay off my loan is still up around 11k. At the moment, cars are on hold for me whilst I try and save the extra 8 grand I need to get rid of the loan, which could take the bulk of this year to do. Even when I do finally go debt free, I'll be back to square one, with a shit car and no savings. Looking at it, I would've been MUCH better off to try and save that 8k when I was 19 instead of get the loan. Sure I would've had to wait to enjoy the cars I've enjoyed since, but had I ended up in the same situation (losing close to 15k worth of assets) at least I would still be ahead.
  9. Stooooked Fitted up the CD player I got from DRFT33 today and to my pleasant surprise all the shit on the back of my old one plugged straight into the new one and she fired up without incident Yay for not having to listen to radio presenters and ads anymore
  10. Yeah we were actually parked at the top of corkscrew and saw you go past. Waited for a bit then tried to chase but you were too far in front.
  11. Spotted some bird fail pretty badly at said car wash, scraping the front bumper of her Astra on the concrete seconds after washing it
  12. Updated list of whats left SOLD to me
  13. You should've tagged along on Daves non-cruise Cara, ended up just being us in the 14 as Dale bailed home and we lost Vu
  14. This jazz still going? Good on you guys for seeing it out, hopefully something positive will finally come out of it.
  15. Aight the 16 x 8 SSRs have been sold. 150 bucks for the Watanabes, 250 bucks for the VIP style ones, $350 if you want all 4 Non negotiable either, shit is fking bulk cheap as it is.
  16. Yeah close enough to. If you wanna do it that way let me know and we can suss out a time
  17. Yeah nice looking rig that, seems like it goes alright too. Sorry to hear about your mate Dave, finding out an active member of NS was killed was bad enough, I can't imagine how it'd be personally knowing them. LOL @ you and the car thing though, have you changed your mind already? *edit* Damo: the DA driver who passed was Luke Jacobs, and also Nathan Charles (username 'valleyonevia' on nissansilvia.com)
  18. Good question Oh well all I can do is wait till someone comes along wanting something different from the norm
  19. No worries man, if I have to make a trek into town or whatever soon I'll let you know and we'll suss something. That or I could chuck it into an envelope and just post it to ya
  20. Yup, got a battery sticker here and if you haven't sussed a fire extinguisher, I've got one as well.
  21. I may still have an old battery triangle sticker oyu can have Kye I'll have a suss
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