I'd say nah don't bother. It sounds like even if you do borrow you won't end up in the car you REALLY want, so my advice would be keep saving until your off the Ps/finished studying, then look at your situation.
I borrowed 10k when I was 19 to get a car. Would've been alright if I didn't extend that twice when in a tight spot Snowballed into about 18k in total, then some bad choices and bad luck slashed my assets from a car realistically saleable for about 20k to one I got just 6.5k for when I sold it a few months ago. Now I've got a car worth 3.5k, about the same in the bank and my total cost to pay off my loan is still up around 11k.
At the moment, cars are on hold for me whilst I try and save the extra 8 grand I need to get rid of the loan, which could take the bulk of this year to do. Even when I do finally go debt free, I'll be back to square one, with a shit car and no savings.
Looking at it, I would've been MUCH better off to try and save that 8k when I was 19 instead of get the loan. Sure I would've had to wait to enjoy the cars I've enjoyed since, but had I ended up in the same situation (losing close to 15k worth of assets) at least I would still be ahead.