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Everything posted by BeEnAr

  1. agreed, that one had gold wheels and was a GTR if I remember correctly, could be wrong though
  2. Well my ECU came back today with consult cable for my car laptop. Installed all the software (NIStune and Datascan) tonight and plugged into the car to have a look see... AWESOME!! you can check AFR, TPS, injector duty, timing, etc, plus you can do diagnostics like cut out one cylinder at a time to check for faults, and you can do speed traps! 0-60, 0-100 etc, I can't wait to get it tuned next Friday! You will not be disapointed! good luck with the rest of the build mate.
  3. Mmmmmm N/A 20b! AWESOME!!!!!! A 20b triple fotor from a cosmo will chew an RB to bits! strap on another rotor for a quad and you pretty much got the engine out of the 787b. If you plan on hitting the skidpan for donut duties though, keep an eye on the temps as they heat up something chronic with no air flow! But fark they sound good!
  4. get a nice series 8 later model. Then do a bad ass bridge port on that sucker! They are a good car IMO and look awesome! they drink oil and fuel but they rev like no tomorrow and go like the clappas
  5. the other plus at Silhouette is it's open till 10pm and you can race under lights. I don't know what their rental karts are like though as we take our own, but the track is a lot of fun and you can get some real speed up on the straight! Plus you don't get brethalised like you do at Ace Karts. Went there once and had only had a can and tehy said I was drunk and not allowed to drive, I argued the fact and he said we will give you the bretho, I passed at .00 so suffer in his jox! HAHAHA!!
  6. PS3 FTW!!! Why pay for online play when it is free on PS3! BluRay, Bluetooth, easy to "upgrade" HDD to 300GB, Gran Turismo, Killzone 2 enough said. EDIT TO ADD - XBox can be bought cheaper though, and does have some good games. I had a Wii but took it back as the OH never played it. Have never owned an Xbox of any kind not because I think they are rubbish, simply because I like the PS more. I also would buy a PS just for Gran Turismo alone. The amount of hours I have played 1, 2, 3 and 4 is beyond me, have not played 5 prologue much though, still play 4 HD on PS3 because it has the R32 GTR
  7. Hey Deren, I haven't read this in a while, was just curious what ECU you have ended up going with? A while back you were talking of NIStune, I am getting mine done as I type this which is why I ask.
  8. You can't take parts off it! Look Closer.... It has a Vic Police KEEP OFF sign on it to stop you and it's been cordened off with police tape and orange bollards!! You'd be pretty game to try AAAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Sorry couldn't help myself. Selfish driver too, put the passenger side into the pole! Drive Safe over the break
  9. My ECU is getting Mines chip removed this weekend and NIStune going in during the week sometime. Then off to see Trent at Status Tuning to get teh tune done! TurboTech is going in too. Can't wait!
  10. Ace Karts is not too bad, But my choice would be Silhouette on the Hume in Camblefield (I think that's where it is) Great track and if you have your own kart it's only $30 for as long as you like
  11. All fixed Finally!!!!! After running diagnostics again, and lots of other things I pulled the tops off the AFMs and re-soldered the points. PROBLEM IS NOW KAPUT, GONE, FINITO!! Now I am waiting for my NIStune to come
  12. BeEnAr

    Top Gear

    I think the aussie show aint too bad. If you have ever watched the first season of the UK "New" Top gear it was crap too. They had Clarkson, Hammond and this fat guy named Jason Daw or something like that and he was terrible! The first season of the NEW format was struggling to get the numbers of people in the first couple of episodes and you could see it in the hangar. Once the second season came and they ditched the fat dude for captain slow it started to get better. You have to remember they are now 12 seasons strong and have worked together for a few years now. The Aussies are only a season in and they have season 2 coming (already filmed most of it) so it can only get better. They need to ditch Warren the cartoonist though, he is sooo far from being a good car reviewer. Give them time they will get it together. We are not the only ones to have taken the reigns of the show either. The US and Russia have also got 'local' versions of the show. UK is still the best though and the new episodes were on tonight
  13. just be sure it's really Vortex 98. I know of a couple of stations that had gotten too much regular and pumped the left over into the 98 premium tank until they got the delivery of 98 the next day then they pump out the old mixed 98 put it in the premium tank and refil new 98
  14. Yep, Silver GTR with gold Rays or Buddy Club rims. Shame it had to happen and times like that you think to yourself, Get out of the car if the driver has been drinking. Call a mate to pick you up or even your parents. No matter what time of the day it was, if a mate of mine called and asked e to pick him/her up because they got out of or didn't get into a car with a drunken driver, I would go and get them.
  15. BeEnAr

    Pod And Cooler

    A mate got his S15 defected and is putting back to standard for EPA. He got told by them that a pod in behind your front bumper is considered a sealed airbox!! Go figure. Also you can have an after market front mount if your car comes standard with one, I found this out when contemplating upgrading my Familia GTR one, was told because it comes standard with front mount I can put a bigger one on and it isn't considered a mod. Also told by the same Vic Roads guy that Pods are legal so long as they are dry and not the oiled type. No need to be sealed.
  16. BeEnAr

    Spotted Thread

    was the r33gtstgtr white by any chance?? I was at the car wash the other night at the back of woodgrove in Melton and this dude in a white 33gtst pulled in behind me. he goes "awesome another GTR" I had a quick look up and saw he was in a line and said "yours GTR too?" he goes "yeah just got it" so I get up to have a look... Straight away saw it wasn't GTR as it had normal guards and gts grille. Go round the back and it had GTR badge and VSpec sticker. he goes "the guy said they are hard to find 33 VSpecs" so he bought it for $22K. I had to laugh and tell him it wasn't a GTR and he got gibbed, he argued the fact then told me my VSpecII was a old and fcked off LOL, gotta love the young and dumb hehehe
  17. BeEnAr

    Fuel Issues

    Hey mate, There are such things as bad batches of fuel, they do come out of the same place, what I should have said is that it depends on the in ground tanks at the site and how old the fuel is.. I will be raising the issue at work on Monday and see what happens as 4 tanks from 3 high volume servos that have all been bad is a bit much! I used Vortex this weekend and have not had an issue. Could be my car and I am not ruling that out yet as have had a few issues couple of weeks ago that could be the cause, but I like to blame the fuel as it's easier to do and I am not the only one nor is the OP, who have fuel problems from questionable fuel quality
  18. BeEnAr

    Fuel Issues

    I can say I have the same problem at the moment. I work for BP Head office and the last 4 tanks of fuel I have put in of Ultimate have made my car run like a shitty old falcon (read bag of shit). I don't know what has happened in the refining process but I filled up at 3 different servos. BP Melton, BP Taylors Lakes and BP Swan Street Richmond. Different trucks filled up each location and they were different weeks, I ran a tank of Vortex through before the BP and I gotta say my car ran better on it. Mobil it ran okay too and Shell it runs like shit again. Also V-Power goes stale much faster than the others do both in the car and in the ground. I am thinking of calling in to one of the depots and picking up some toluene for a burn. I will not be putting BP in again until they sort the problem with the fuel out. Will be Vortex for me for a while. On a side note you can't get V-Power racing anymore, they stopped making it ages ago and anyone who is still selling it is either getting rid of the stale months old crap they have left, or, is selling standard V-Power as Racing (they do it too). United 100 octane has more ethanol in it but like an earlier post said I don't think they make it anymore due to lack of sales for such a niche fuel.
  19. BeEnAr

    Spotted Thread

    I think I saw the same 32 if it was a GTR. was blowing 10 ton of smoke at me while I was behind him. The guy can't drive for shit either! but hey what are ya gonna do?? Saw a gun metal 32 GTS next to my work on Guest St in hawthorn yesterday. Dudde get you rear quarter fixed, and som low profile tyres or something, 60 series bob jane all rounders on a line just aint right lol
  20. Ferrari F40 in the new showroom on Swan St in Richmond last week. AWESOME BEAST!!! It's not there now though, they have some old thing in the window. Very nice new dealership with Muzzarrati next to it. Also saw an old lady probably 60-65 driving an MG with full roll cage and Cobra race seat nice black little thing, she gave a wave at the lights and says "Nice Zilla mate" I pissed myself!! HAHAHA!!! LEGEND!!
  21. HAHA I agree with you on some of those, I have had a few answers like that. The UK forums seem to be the best for answering tech questions with straight answers, well IMO anyways. Here is good too, but with so many members there are bound to be a bunch of tossers and young guns trying to prove their manly hood and spending an entire night to think of something funny to say about the OP. You kind of expect the smart asses and "flamage" these days. I remember a forum I was on for my Mazda in the UK, bloody awesome wealth of info and they didn't care if you drove a mazda or a nissan or a bloody Smart car! they would do their best to help you out. After all an engine is an engine and they all run reletively the same.
  22. The main reason I said stay away from Chapel St is that you are on a permit and the cops down there are ruthless to say the least. You don't wanna go back home without your car!! Beach road is a very good drive and go along the StKilda beach bike track for a walk and check out all the hotties!
  23. Could be a hawaiian <- is that how you spell it? I don't care much for the insurance company, I remember them giving me a quote on my Mazda Familia, and it 3 years insuring with them I would have paid for my car again! Plus back then they would only give you 5k for a stolen import! Now it's 10K but cmon, what happened to agreed value, I asked them for 20k cover and they said no because market value for the car was only 12K which was rubbish, my car didn't even come up on their system so they assumed it was a familia GTR. Now the car in the ad is sweet, who doesn't like a 34 GTR? And the chick that does the beatbox stare thing... HOT!! If the guy had any balls though he would have stopped and got the digits. Back on the insurance boat, if you want a good insurer for a Line and you are over 25, go with Lumley Special Vehicles, they are cheap and give agreed value, they are same as Shannons but less advertising and cheaper! My 2c and a bit anyways.
  24. BeEnAr

    Spotted Thread

    $90!!! They are $35 at preston Autobarn!
  25. St Kilda esplenade mate, hot girls, feral girls, fat girls, skinny girls. Girls everywhere, plus street market and plenty of food. Luna Park but parking is a bitch! STAY AWAY FROM CHAPEL STREET!!
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