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Everything posted by boostn0199

  1. x3 all ull hav to do is trim the reo bar and front bar dpending on which one you have
  2. thats impressive results and thats on a ca18 would be interesting on a rb 25 at 18psi make some serious power, and on the youtube it said its the g4 profile but youve posted here its the g3 which is correct?
  3. nismo, direct fit no mucking around no possible problems from installation flows plenty cost prob double but you only gona upgrade once so might aswel get the best
  4. yeah when i was there last time a few months ago he told me hes moving to knox soon because hes got a huge place there but dont know the adress will be interested in it aswel
  5. if it is exhust and boosted to 10 then no problem you win , you will even beat the s2000 confortably if you can do a lauch where you dont just spin on the spot, when my r33 had just exhust i beat the a civic type r easily and when i dragged a s2000 with a full car once i plant it in gear two its all over
  6. ive had my turbo r33 for a year and am on Ps and got defected 6 times and they were all at late night on fri or sat on princess hwy so yeah it just all depends on where you are Ive never been pulled over during the week or in the day only fri and sat late at night and thats where all my defects came from so yeah you just choose if worth taking a risk of goin out
  7. 33 will own it, civic, integra, s2000 whatever you choose will own it stock and if you had a cat back exhust no problem at all
  8. The best way as said is to stick a gasket of whatever coke can in between and you can leave the other hoses running on it to make it look stock, stalling wont be to bad just the only problem is if u for example take off in gear one den dont shift and dump the clutch itll stall but adjusting driving style can elimnate the stalling or raise your idle by a couple of 100 revs
  9. as long as it blocks it off and doesnt leak air its al good.
  10. im guessing if it didnt come with instructions then its a return flow since they genrealy dont come with em cause are stright forward whereas bar and plate give you instructions on where to cut.
  11. just a question i got a tr43i off you a few months ago for a r33 that I wanted to run 300kw with is the one I have one of these or are these the new ones or is that why these are calld atr43g because there different?
  12. nah i wasnt suspended when i got impounded i still had mhyy lincesce becaue i was waiting to go to court for the first speeding offence and now im serving that at the moment
  13. thanks for the replies i guess ill go see a laywer and see what he says
  14. yeah I was thinking I would have to do that, just thought Id see what other pople say aswell.
  15. Just wanting to get an idea of where I stand from peoples experiences I have just got my summons for when I got impounded and I have been charged with Careless Driving and Intentional loss of traction which to none I have admitted just wondering whats the possiblites I could be facing and also take into account I am at the moment serving out a 6 month suspension for speeding.
  16. thanks for all the input youve helped with my decision alot
  17. yeah i thought gain had something to do around those areas, yeah ill just leave it to when i get it tuned since im only in the middle of the build up not driving it so ill let tuner do all that thanks
  18. Just got my blitz spec s boost controller have set it up now just wondering with all these functions like gain and all this now im confused on what I have to adjust , at the moment sort of feels like boost take longer to come on then it did with my previos boost tee so im thinking I havent set it up properly , wondering if anyone that has same controller can give any advice, my car is a 33 gtst mods exhust air intake tr43 turbo intercoller power fc
  19. ex hated bumpy suspension when it was stock with just lowered springs so i said guess what im buuying next coilovers made her hate it even more and prety much complained about every other thing everyones said spend to much money etc, ahahahha going back to single was the best choice i ever made with adding plenty of mods now if u drive a import tuner you gotta go out with your car cause it never stops ahahah buying shit
  20. ill give you 200 pick up?
  21. thanks james yeah i heard the price went up just wasnt sure by how much i would be happy with that price for a good tune and happy to pay abit more if needs more attetnion
  22. yeah those prices i can live with
  23. well what prince you rekon 700 600?
  24. yeah im leaning towards him because ive heard countless good things about hes tuning just hoping wont have to pay over a 1000 for the tune
  25. thanks guys yeah i was reading about the different type of tunes and how people are getting knocking on the street, thanks ujin ill have a chat to them when im ready for the tune .
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