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Everything posted by Damit

  1. ohh Posting aswell on SAU i like +1 to this event even though i wont be there stupid family dinner
  2. hmm maby it was green and dan for all those here is some info for speed cameras Speed camera Legislation http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/qld/bil...lab1996355.html camera placement http://www.police.qld.gov.au/services/news...rRoadsSafer.htm "So how are speed camera locations determined? The speed camera selection placement is divided into 2 criteria. The primary criteria is for zones with a history of speed related crashes of all severities. The secondary criteria comprises where road works are being conducted, locations that have been identified through validated public complaints and locations that have been identified through validated stakeholder concern or local knowledge of problem locations." Speed cam pdf http://www.police.qld.gov.au/Resources/Int...uments/sign.pdf this pdf states "As outlined above there is no legislative requirement for the ‘speed camera in use’ sign to be placed on a speed camera deployment. The placement of the sign is a Queensland Police Service Policy issue. Therefore, the absence of the ‘speed camera in use’ sign does not render the infringement notice invalid. "
  3. ive seen a black one around my area good thing the last time was tues night and it was pissing down so i dont think anyone would of been going over 80 past it
  4. hmm a 35 gtr box dont even cost 3mil
  5. dont fell to bad i have crashed in the wet at least mine was a massive oil patch and all i done was f**k up my coilover and my 17x10" work miesters but atleast there was an unmarked cop behind me who spun out aswell and went into a light pole
  6. so you mean in the wheel arch isnt there metal there that covers the wheel arch because in mine there is mine has be gone for a long time now
  7. was a very good day and sorry to the cars who followed us off the highway and the 2 who headed back to brisbane with me and Aliesha cos she left her phone at aspley where she was taking the photos but we made good time and was only a little late after going back but atleast we had the final destination and took a shortcut
  8. NFI From sunnybank to asply and half way to the meet point and back to aspley 23 liters then fill up at the servo out the front then from the servo to the meet the quick way and back gauge says only 1/4 used but i don't believe it
  9. well my car is dirty again stupid rain and dirty roads
  10. Going to Spot 100's of skylines today
  11. mine is clean ATM but a cruise tonight will make it dirty
  12. at this rate kate i think you should not paint your car pink because i dont think alot of random colours would suit a nice pink line
  13. Love them
  14. just because you have a fancy SAU hat
  15. cant wait
  16. im a no for this 1 already have a cruise with a group of guys organised
  17. vish if you want to come and cant get a ride call me and i will pick you up
  18. redtube ???
  19. who thinks sat night so 2 weeks time - 22nd November Around 8pm meet point - West end (central location with a fair bit of parking) if you have any other suggestions throw-em up
  20. my mate done it the other day he remembered getting in his car and next thing he knew was pulled over by the police and all of a sudden started fraking because he didnt know why he had been pulled over he just zoned right out
  21. what you doing over here trapper
  22. at least here they only do rolling roadblocks down the m1 imagine the traffic if some one blocked of the highway
  23. Spotted a few today at QR spotted Beau doing his thing and Driftbarbie your getting better you just gotta watch the ripple on turn 6
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