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Everything posted by Damit

  1. OMG i must join SAU to get stickers
  2. Damit


    ETA on car about 1-2 more weeks then ill be in
  3. busses are so bad i have to catch them to my car is fixed
  4. OMG theres more rice there than there is in china
  5. Damit


    i will be if i get my car back before we do it
  6. $50 the skyline is defective and the cops are waiting
  7. yeah had a few people stop to help good thing there's that side bit so i was off the road and i went and had a look there was abit of oil up the road i could see it and if anyone works in a work shop that can fix front quater panel and my rear wheel - not sure on the full damage give me a call on 0423 612 973 and i can organise for you to have a look at the car to give just car a quote if you want some work
  8. kingston
  9. Spotted a nice white 33 with a GTR body - 846iva turning @ kameruka street this morning at 8ish i was the guy in the black jumper at the lights waiting to cross
  10. driving along the road little wet and oil on the road went to change lanes whole car went sideways into oncoming traffic so i turned away done a 180 into the gutter and f**ked my rear right wheel folded under so on a angle like this / looking from the back and my rim got bent out of shape also front right guard has a small dent from a small tree but thats no prob because one of my best friends husband is a panel beater saw a few other cars get a little slip there 2 made an image of the path i took and what the car looks like (my epic paint drawings) - will get some photos of the insurance so i can give to get quote
  11. trade for my current wreaked 33 it has HID's vish and you love the colour
  12. thanks chris will givem a call monday
  13. couple hundred sounds good hope it doesn't go into the thousands and does anyone know any good repairers in Brisbane for this
  14. hey guys just crashed my r33 GTST hit a oily spot in the wet and lost traction and done a 180 into a kerb was only going 50ish k's but my left rear wheel has buckled under and the axel and stuff is rooted and the front right quater panel has a little dent from a small tree probly only hit at 10- 20k's dont have pics but rear wheel is on an angle like this / looking from behind with the top sticking out so how much do you think it would cost to repair im thinking new suspension axel and a few other bits down there and just a good ol hammer for the front panel may need a bit more since the front wheel guard is a bit bent just hope just car is nice also my right rear work mister is gone only problem with forged alloy it bends into funny shapes :'(
  15. just pull the main fuses from under the dash
  16. testing a pod this weekend if i don't like it might buy
  17. i hate when i get out of it and when i know im on my way towards the car i get a big smile havent had a day where i havent driven (well there was 3 days cos my ankle) the day i drove when i sprained my ankle and it was huge and swallen all i got to say is f**ked ankle + heavy clutch = me crying and not wanting to change gears i cant imagine what it would be like to not have for a few weeks
  18. Spotted a line pulled up by the police with the bonnet up on mains road just before hellawell road hope he didnt ass rape you
  19. spotted this morning a blue 33 turning into mains from compton road with plates 133jni i was standing at the bus stop
  20. if you have a r33 just pull the fuse its in the boot and it will be off for good you will just have that annoying light because i had the trouble after turning it off if i turned it on again within half an hour my steering was heavy and would only go away if i left it to sit of for a while all diagnostics were fine and fluid was at right level and as soon as i pulled the fuse all was fine now i just have the hicas light on all the time (should probably just pull the bulb unless someone has a fix for the light)
  21. if only we got a photo of it
  22. im a yes and if we go on a cruise i will try not to blind you with my HID's as i did tonight with the guys from nissiansilvia who i went on a cruise up mt nemo tonight
  23. i saw and was quite disturbed
  24. i always have a squirt i sold my daily and kept my line - even though it cost alot more than my daily did on LPG
  25. Dreamworld car park
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