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Everything posted by c34

  1. Hi All, Recently bought a Stagea Series 1 RS4 Auto from Japan. The car is driving fine for a while and recently it starts showing some problem. Hope any member can direct me to the right direction to fix it. I had never abuse the car, mostly driving under the legal speed and very gentle on accelaration. However, recently found out the 4WD lights come up and the engine is cutting off the power. (Only half a sec) All the rest of the stero, headlights work fine, but just when you accelarate to 2500rpm and it will suddenly drop to 1000rpm than kick back to 2500 rpm. It will happen for a while but after i restart the car, the 4WD light is off and drives fine. Did anyone have this problem? I checked all the fluid (including the one in the rear boot.) Everything seems fine and within the safe level. I am going to do a code check however, due to this incident does not occur all the times. So it is a bit hard to get the right timing and place to do it while the light is on. I am suspecting it could be the Air Flow Meter wear out, however, would like to see if anyone might have some idea or had this kind of experience before. Thank you for your time.
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