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About Leev_35

  • Birthday 30/09/1980

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    Sydney - North Shore

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  • Car(s)
    Skyline V35 300GT
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  1. Hi Guys, I contacted Asuka in Tawain and they do distribute their products under the name of Zylux. Has anyone heard of them? Cheers Lee
  2. Hi there, It would definatlely be the NTSC/PAL issue. In options under ipod there is a video out setting, just change this. I did the same thing initially and thought my screen was shot. The picture I get now is very crisp dependant on the actual resolution of the source image. Cheers Lee
  3. Hi Mate, Well I already had the Aux cable from Chris and the iPhone RCA cable. About 20 minutes to pull apart the TV box and solder the wires. Already had the iPhone Jailbroken and necessary App installed. With the fiddling to put everything back together and run the cables maybe an hour and a half all up. Apart from Chris Rogers Aux cable all other materials cost me about $5. Cheers Lee
  4. Mate I had a similar problem which came up about a week after I bought the car, same symptom with the knocking/clicking in that rev range. Luckily the car was under warranty and it didnt cost me a cent however the mechanic showed me the bill for the dealer and it was about 3K. It was some sort of magnet spring thing (NFI) in the VTC.
  5. Hi Guys, Yes this is the post I used to install the switch from the TV Card. Please note my card was completely different and the point on the card which I soldered the switch to was labelled C1 not Cont1 as in this post. Also the Ground on my TV card was a screw in the centre of the TV card which was easy to attach the ground wire to. It was difficult to solder the switch wire onto the C1 point, probably because a. I am useless at soldering and b. because the guage of wire I bought was too thick. Also I nee to point out when you start the car you need to turn the switch off and then press the TV button then turn the switch on again. If you dont you get the image but no sound. I am loving this mod though and I find the GPS on the iPhone better than my Tom Tom plus the Mrs. loves watching movies whilst I concentrate on the road. Cheers Lee
  6. Hi All, I will take some photos of this on the weekend and do a step by step for you. Cheers Lee
  7. Hi All, I have recently done a DIY job to get my Video in Motion going. Using tips from another post I pulled apart the TV tuner and soldered a wire to the C1 circuit on the TV card, I also grounded a wire to the Ground on the circuit board and ran them to the front of the car where I installed a simple $2 switch, when the switch is on, nothing else will display on the screen (apart from whats plugged into the Aux port), when its off the screen acts normally i.e. will only show movies/TV etc when the footbrake is on and you can access all of the inbuilt systems (fuel economy etc). I previously installed the RCA cable harness provided by Chris Rogers and have an ipod lead popping out of the centre console. I have a jailbroken iphone 4 running a free App called TVOut2 which basically transmits in real time any image on the iPhone screen to any other screen, TV etc. I also have a purchased Navigon GPS app running on the iPhone. The TVout program allows you to set which programs operate on portrait or landscape and it also allows you to stretch or shrink the image if need be. The nav programs drops the music or video volume slightly to give verbal street name directions etc. You can of course also view any other items on the iphone - internet, youtube, games - whatever you want. So what I have now is a realtively cheap Navigation system which displays on the stock screen whilst simulatneously being able to play music and videos (when the car is stopped of course :-). I used the nav system on an iPhone 3g but the GPS was very poor, the iPhone 4 hasnt faltered once. Just sharing this cheap mod. If anyone wants more details let me know. Cheers Lee
  8. Hi Mate, I took off the 300GT badge and replaced it with a red GT badge, these were just stuck on. Cheers Lee
  9. Hi Guys, Status report, soaked up all of the water from underneath the battery stand. Left the hood open for several hours at work. Reconnected the battery and everything is fine. I will pull the battery stand out this afternoon and look for the drainage hole mentioned above as no doubt it will be blocked. I hope there is no permanent damage. Thanks again for your posts! Lee
  10. Thanks heaps Mate. Just took the battery out and I have found a pool of water below the battery stand. Definately some water getting in somewhere! I have found a lot of leaves hooked under the bonnet seal, perhaps the heavy rain has forced water through and its made its way to the fuse/electrics. Thanks again! Lee
  11. Hi All, Heres a mystery one. Didnt drive my car all weekend. Got up yesterday morning jumped in the car -tik tik tik - dead battery. Had lent my jumpers to a mate so had to get the Mrs. to take me to work. Jump started the car last night, ticked over straight away. Drove the car for a while. Left it for a while and it started no problem, of course I was wondering why it went dead but I didnt have time last night to worry about it. Left the car parked on the street for ease of jump starting should I need to again. About 9.30 last night during the downpour we had in Sydney I walk onto my balcony and like a car possessed my car was sitting there its headlights and fog lights going full blare, steam coming of them and all. I immediately jump over my balcony, run to the car and go to turn the lights off...they arent on (the stalk). I try to start the car obviously its dead again. This time someone has parked in front of me too close and I cant jump start it for lack of room. Disconnected the battery and went back inside. Got the car started today, drove it to work, headlights werent on, get to work lo and behold headlights are on again. I disconnected the battery and am now at my desk. Has anyone got any ideas of where I should start looking first? Any help is appreciated. Cheers Lee
  12. Hi Guys, My A/T light occasionally flashes up for a few minutes then goes away for days at a time. Has anyone had this. The Fluid seems ok. Its a 5 speed Auto 300GT. I thought I would check here before taking it to a transmission specialist. Cheers Lee
  13. I have this issue as well. Had the belt replaced about 2 months ago after a bolt from the bottom of the engine ha worked itself loose and was eating away at the old belt. The new belt squeals for about 5 seconds on start up when its cold. Havent got arround to tightening it yet, there a a few tensioners for these belts by the looks of it!
  14. Hi Guys, As above does anyone have a functioning Bose 6 stacker Head Unit that they would part with? Mine has died in the ass and is telling me to F.O. I know Chris has advised the cost of these ex Japan is like $550-600, I am happy to use my iPhone for the time being but want to get the Unit replaced all the same. Cheers Lee
  15. Hi There, Mine did this once but only when it was an extremely hot day, the thermometer was readin 48 degrees. It flashed up a similar box and then turned off. Cam back on after an hour and after the temperature had dropped heaps..
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