Hi All,
I have recently done a DIY job to get my Video in Motion going. Using tips from another post I pulled apart the TV tuner and soldered a wire to the C1 circuit on the TV card, I also grounded a wire to the Ground on the circuit board and ran them to the front of the car where I installed a simple $2 switch, when the switch is on, nothing else will display on the screen (apart from whats plugged into the Aux port), when its off the screen acts normally i.e. will only show movies/TV etc when the footbrake is on and you can access all of the inbuilt systems (fuel economy etc).
I previously installed the RCA cable harness provided by Chris Rogers and have an ipod lead popping out of the centre console.
I have a jailbroken iphone 4 running a free App called TVOut2 which basically transmits in real time any image on the iPhone screen to any other screen, TV etc. I also have a purchased Navigon GPS app running on the iPhone.
The TVout program allows you to set which programs operate on portrait or landscape and it also allows you to stretch or shrink the image if need be.
The nav programs drops the music or video volume slightly to give verbal street name directions etc.
You can of course also view any other items on the iphone - internet, youtube, games - whatever you want.
So what I have now is a realtively cheap Navigation system which displays on the stock screen whilst simulatneously being able to play music and videos (when the car is stopped of course :-).
I used the nav system on an iPhone 3g but the GPS was very poor, the iPhone 4 hasnt faltered once.
Just sharing this cheap mod.
If anyone wants more details let me know.