Congrats chad! Yes i can vouch for RYAN rb25 aswel, he is a busy man but once u get ur hands on him u'll never let him go lol.
Nice work craig mayb now u can stick with the big boyz lol
OMG boy i think u read every1's mind! Hell yeah im be masiively interested! Been down to the same spot have some wicked grounds/battle fields there!!!!!!!!
LOL normsta i know ur only tring to help but posting the meet point to every1 prob isn't the best idea, not saying any1 from here is dodgy but u know what i mean
LOL ok smart pants i figured damo was out for the nite i might get away with something but i guess not.
P.S i think running 13.5 pound thru stock 33 turbo is a bad idea!!!! Had it in for about 2 months or so and she already smoking