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    Paul Tompson

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  1. wow, thats great!! nice one.
  2. hello s2k12. so they had no problem doing the same deal for your Beltronics STI? Is that the one you said had already been replaced and wasn't much better? Let us know how you find the Whistler PRO-78. So far, it seems someone has swapped a Beltronics XR70 (well two if you count me, I also used a V1 at one stage) and a Beltronics STI-XR. Nothing like a bit of real genuine user feedback, rather than from the actual distributor. How long did the swap over take by the way? Did it cost you anything extra?
  3. g'day. i have been thinking about a laser jammer for a while now too. but I haven't the budget until probably this time next month. they have a lot of pictures and videos on their web page. i did chat with them when I was in there about it, and their jammer can't be detected by police and also turns off after I think 5 seconds of laser gun jamming. apparently they sell them by the truck load and nobody has even been questioned by police, let alone caught using one. i seem to remember something about no actual laws exist about laser jammers in WA, so I don't see a big deal using one.
  4. hi s2k12, look I'm not too sure, i don't want to call them again, but I can't see why not. its still a Beltronics and will still prove the same point. Want to call them youself and check - maybe let us know here? 08-9370-4038 ask for Nick. Or their web page is www.radars.com.au As I said, I did the upgrade and have never looked back. I passed a camera last night and got at least 150m on the other side of the road, I swung around and came back head on, must have been 250~300m but it was on kind of a bendy road. Let me know here what happens please?
  5. 50m? that is the most I ever saw from my XR70. Now I easily see 300m or more regularly with my Whistler PRO78 with the Euro/Multanova mode turned on. On occasion I am sure it has been more like 400m. I even saw about 200m from the othe direction recently. I don't see what you have to lose. You basically get to trial the PRO78 free of charge, if you aren't happy, you just swap back to your original XR70. Well thats my understanding of the offer anyway. I have never once had a false laser alert! The sun should not set off a laser alert on any detector I have been told. 50m for the "best performing detector" is shite to say the least. How many seconds is that at 60km or 100km? Not many! Especially for the price. Test out the PRO78 and let us all know the difference. It sounds like you XR70 is doing the exact same thing that mine did! K-band is typically a higher power output. You should be able to pickup a patrol car that is k-ban at least 8~10km away. I am told they can provide laser sensitivity testing in Morley now too. Would be real interested to hear how you go from someone other than me!
  6. go and see the Whistler distributor in Morley, metion this thread, and they will swap it for a new PRO78 free of charge! And if you prefer the XR70, they will give it back to you again!! Their number is 9370-4038. Let me know if you do it, I'm keen to see if they will really do the trade in free!! The quote from 2007 regarding K-band detection ranges comparing XR70 to Whistler PRO, there has since been a hardware upgarde and TWO full software updates to the new high performance Whistler detectors. I just clarrified this. So again, out dated references.
  7. ***Thread Edited*** Defamatory remarks made towards businesses or individuals will not be tolerated on this website - We understand that if you have had a bad experience with a business you want to warn other people of said experience. Unfortunately, the same publicly expressed opinion could be viewed as libelous and/or constitute an attempt to deter business from any individual or business. Australian law holds the site owner partly responsible for any defamatory remarks posted on said website, and that is unacceptable. Informing people via PM's is tolerated as it is not a public message. With this said, feel free to post any information about a business or individual that you have had good dealings with. ------ After reading this thread, I just called the distributors in Morley. They were keen to hear about this thread so I am forwarding it to them. They said if anybody else in Perth is not happy with their XR70, to go see them for a FREE swap to a PRO78. If they aren't 100% happy, swap it again back for their original XR70 - all for no charge!! I think they sound confident to me! Need to quote this thread obviously. They said they will just add the XR70 to their piles of traded in Beltronics and Escort detectors. The only condition "requested" was that anyone who does this FREE tradein, posts their honest opinions online here for UNBIAST feedback. Let me know if anybody else does this, cause I am keen to see other people in the same situation I have been in and then see the same better results.
  8. is this the one you are takling about? I just looked at the videos online and it does seem good hey! http://www.radars.com.au/radar_detectors/w...ar-detector.php
  9. hi, you any everybody else with an RX65! Just check out the part under warranty and suitability for use in WA here; http://www.radars.com.au/best-radar-detector.php rather than paying $100 for an out of warranty service on an old detector that will just fail again, check out the supplier at that link, they will do you a good trade in (even on a broken Beltronics radar detector!) and you get a new better detector with a 3 year warranty!! unreal deal if you ask me!
  10. Found an even better price on Valentine One radar detectors! Valentine One radar detectors $695 in Australia.
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