For the day usually costs me between $100-$150, depending on how shit the gun is or if its a good gun how trigger happy I am. Most places have packages that start around the $50+ mark, which gets you a gun, overalls and a mask (guys you need to provide your own box, trust me you need one) and your first round of ammo (about 100-200 balls). The biggest problem I have found is most places have over-used/poorly maintained equipment (tends to happen as the guns cop a hammering cos hardly anyone handles them carefully) so what tends to happen is you get stuck with a gun that jams, shoots curve balls or blows the ball in the barrel all the time. That all said and done its still a great game and for the first time gumby its a great adreline rush as you jump behind a bush or tree and see the paintballs flick past just missing you, but with all the fun comes the pain The paint balls arnt hard, they just travel at stupidly fast speeds so when it hits you at close range it'll bruise hence the need for a full face mask (you can lose an eye if you dont keep it on) and a box for the gents Its great fun guys and I highly recommend it