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Everything posted by rob77

  1. hey paul
  2. My mum eats durien when the wife and I was in singapore last year we went to a few outdoor markets and you could smell it for ages... stinky
  3. only 250hp?? that doesnt sound right.
  4. Does anyone know how troy went with his powerfc tune?
  5. Hey kyles where's troy?
  6. So with my 350rwhp in mind what turbo do you think I should go for, as I said I want spool up around 3500 no later as I want good streetable power.
  7. evening
  8. Where do you shop for parts steve?
  9. Morning troy
  10. So you think the stuff from horsepowerinabox is no good?
  11. I wonder how a hks 2530 would go on a rb25det.
  12. hks 2530? was it?
  13. Hey micko... order the turbs yet?
  14. Steve, so what turbo setup do you have on your r33 or are putting onto your r33?
  15. Evening macka, troy, ken, bambam, kyles
  16. Be at least 60km/hr and she would have had to hit the garage door square on to hit the back of the car like that... it seems all too suss for me.
  17. Your garage is a long way off the road, how did the damage occur to the front of the car as well? I can see a brick wall near the front of the car but I cant see any paint on the wall, have you moved the car since it got hit?
  18. later all.
  19. me no understand your engrish... when asians come into the store we say 'judlook'. This is what they say when you ask them if they would like some help... 'judlook, no buy' is usually the response.
  20. nah macka... i'm waiting till a few people off here go, so I can get some tips Though i'm thinking this clutch slipping is probably the best way to get my 60' time down.
  21. The rp02 that replaced the rp01 isnt too different, so I might just buy 2 of them for the front.
  22. Evening all
  23. Yer, if I had a polo shirt lieing around that was blank I'd consider it, but seeing as I dont I wont bother, thanks for the offer though
  24. Hey macka how are you?
  25. Hmmm, if the genuine gtr shirts are that cheap I think I might just go buy one of those
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