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Everything posted by Hawker180

  1. Anyone got a pic of Buddy Club P1 Racing wheels on R32 GTST? I have a white R32 GTST and am unsure of which colour to go for. I think i like the HYPER GPLD ones...but the other would look good too Anyone know a good place to buy some in victoria??? I seen them for $450 a rim...is that a good price for 17x8's? Heres the site Buddy Club site: http://www.first-inc.co.jp/buddyclub/p1r/p1r.html Anyone skilled and/or bored enough to put a digital set on my R32 in photoshop?
  2. I also have a mines ECU in my R32 GTST...it has no speed limiter...i got the fuel all checked out and it was running lean...but only cos the old fuel pump was stuffed...put in a new fuel pump and she doesnt run lean anymore
  3. U will know if u have one cos it is a stick on plastic thing...at the moment i have mine in bits...cos the acual factory light blew up...probably cos i found it full of water...and im currently trying to put neons in it...i have those flexi EL wire ones but the glow isnt bright enough...i mught just get blue perspec's and put lots of LED's in it insteed...will look cool when finnished...hopefully!!! U will be lucky if u can find one cos to fit it u need to drill holes into the existing bumper and they use a Sh!tload of glue crap...and its impossible to not rip paint off when taking the glue off...ill hopefully post a pic when i have finnished mine
  4. This is a must...Check this out! Wicked Rice Racer Honda
  5. hmm unsure of that one...i guess if u put neons behind it and have them so u cant see the direct light and only the glow..then should be all good Should be fine as well with the glowing off the chrome...but who knows
  6. For those interested...Here is a few pic's of what it looks like on a R32...During the day it looks chrome and when you turn the lights on it is blue
  7. damn that is cool...I WANT I WANT!!!
  8. Insurence is a whole other matter... The question is more like..."who will insure me?" rather than "how much" Just cars will insure you...but expect big numbers!!! If u r 18 expect the $5,000 figure...and thats only if u can find someone who is willing to insure u There is always 3rd party...but thats a big risk...as u all know thats about $300ish ...If u do find a company that is cheap...let me know...hehe...but i dont think they exist As soon as they hear the words "Turbo, Import and 2 door" they tend to turn the other way...as well as the whole P Plate thing All i can say is...GOOD LUCK!
  9. Im on my P's and own a 32 GTST...in vic I rang up vicroads head office in melb...and they didnt know what a R32 GTST was let alone if its p plate legal or not. I find that if you dont do anything wrong then they dont seem to care...its only when u attract attention that the cops start to get curious
  10. hmm ill have to pull it apart and see what the go is with it Thanks for all u r help!
  11. Very suspisious of mine...blew the engine was ment to have done only 80,000 when i got it i did 7,000 and the engine blew (melted pistons etc...) was cheaper to buy half cut (auto box) with 70,000km's on it ($1600)...runs the best it ever has wheel bearings went the other day (had them in half cut)...also replaced fuel pump, clutch. New motor is perfect...Will got lots of km's out of this baby!
  12. Damn that would be cool...I WANNA DO THAT!!!....imagine having it glow blue then as u break it turns red....would have to have a seprate red light which is jumped off of the break lights...is that possible??? Anyone know how to do this???? Where there is a will there is a way i sopose
  13. I could just buy some of that flexi neon stuff...but i wanna see what its like with the propper lights in it...i think it reflects the chrome part or soemthing...ill pull it apart one day and check it all out I wonder if i just somehow i find away to connect it up...maybe it will work
  14. Hey, My R32 GTST came with one of those add on things that go over the top of the Word skyline which makes it light up (blue or green) Does anyone know anything about them...i really wanna connect it and i heard that ya have to have some special relay or something I also heard that they were an optional extra when buying a skyline new...and u could select either Green or blue Is it just better to buy a small neon or getting the right relay...or simply connecting it up again??? Thanks!
  15. JO3, sounds like u r in the same boat as me is u r car standard...if no what mods have u dont wouldnt hurt to check u r fuel pump It was cheaper for me to just buy a half cut than it was to fix my engine...only $1600 for a auto R32 GTST thats done 70,000km's that way u have heaps of spares and u will be all set Im just swaping over the engines myself...cheaper than a mechanic do u know what exacilly went wrong with u r car??? mine was running too lean and blew a hole in the piston I hope this helps!
  16. Hey does anyone know the torque settings for the manual gearbox in a RB20DET for my R32? Im swapping engines and leaving in my manual but new engine had an auto gear box. Is this setting the same as a VL gearbox..as i have a VL workshop manual???
  17. my exhurst manafold was glowing red hot....then i found out it was running too lean and it blew a hole in the pistons if i were u id take it to get tuned...to get more fuel into it...cos mine blew and i had to buy a whole new engine ...wasnt fun at all
  18. i was running 12-13psi when it blew....so if u do wind up the boost make sure u have enough fuel going through it my halfcut only came with headlights...but i wanna keep them for mine as they are like new i bet just the headlight on their own would cost about 1/4 of the price of a half cut
  19. Hey...i recently blew up my engine, in my R32 GTST...too much boost and it was running too lean...looks like it blew a hole in the piston...anyway its stuffed So rather than fix it...i picked up a half cut for CHEAP($1600) with 70,000km's on it and completelly stock...which happened to have an auto gear box in it ...So, will the new engine go straight onto my manual box...and will the ECU out of the auto be any good for a manual...im asuming there the same the reason i want the other ECU is cos mine had been tuned by Mines in japan and i wanna start a fresh cos the other was maped for japanese fuel etc... Also is there anyway to convert japanese dates to ours...i got stuff in the glovebox which says 15/3/29 thanks Note: its easy to run more boost...but remember that u will need more fuel...or u r car will end up like mine...and its not fun
  20. "lasts 10 times longer" what do u mean...do they use batterys or something??? i dont like the HKS ones that much...the numbering looks crappy
  21. Hey i was looking around for a boost guage...and i like the Apexi guages...but there in kpa http://www.importscene.com.au/prod434.htm...but in black and i want a psi guage...i was just wondering what other people had I want a black faced one which will fit into a pillar pod also one that has blue illumination at night would be cool, to match my turbo timer any suggestions???
  22. how much will a stock GTR intercooler cost me?...what sort of boost r u running with yours...running an aftermarket turbo???
  23. how much power is the stock GTR intercooler good for?..and how much would i expect to pay?...is it different pipeing???
  24. that would explaine how my car spits and carrys on at high rev's...cos of the fuel...i run optimax which is prob 97 or so...ill have to look into it...i thought the fuel pump was on its way out...cos it chugs a bit at high rpm (5000rpm+) i think ill get the fuel remaped...its just got a POD, exhurst, running 11psi,
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