I'm trying to fix that problem for about last 2 years, this is my opinions:
1) Problem is no way related to ignitior (at least on Subaru's)
2) In Subaru case PowerFC loses sync to camshaft / crankshaft sensors (In some very bad cases you could even see 16384rpm or smthing on Commander)
3) 90% of GC8 Ver 1-2 owners hadn't this problem when their PowerFC was new.
4) Some cars got it only on heavy load, under WOT etc, some cars got it only on light load.
I think we should compare input schematic for crankshaft sensor from non-affected PowerFC units with our misfiring units - 99.9% the problem is here.
2PaulR33, I found link to this thread in your FAQ, but haven't seen fix by scott, please point me. Ah, sry, that ground for ignitior is just placebo in case of Subaru :-)