Ok...I don't think ure situation is ideal. But heres a few points...(Im currently [READ FKN STILL]) suing the taxi driver that sideswiped me so ive been in court a fair bit).
A. Don't bring up the fact that its an 'import' or 'performance' car. From everyones point of view in the room, its an "automobile"
B. You "need" (I can't stress this enough) letters (yes, the more the better) of reference, to demonstraight that you are a logical, cool headed kinda guy and that hooning is not part of your character. I'd suggest dressing in the utmost professional sense.
C. I *think* tomorrow will be a 5 sec appearence for you, they'll ask if u wish to fight it, if so, they'll organise for the cop to come down to the next session (usually 5-6months i think, probably depends where it happened etc as well).
D. Organise a solictor for your best bet (you should be able to claim costs if you win). I say this not for the point of "you dont know the law", though for the point that they'll argue, why you sit there all nice and humble. You're going to need to get in the proscutors face (its their job to bend you over everyway right?), so having someone do this on your behalf will give you the most chance.
Thats all that comes to mind right now