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Everything posted by TroyBoy33

  1. The nismo lip iz SOLD guy's thanx
  2. Hey guy's, I have 2 NISMO (Ray's Engineeering) rims (17 x 8.0 +36 off) good condition.. With NanKang 17" 235 by 45 in average condition Chasing $420 o.n.o for the pair Located in Melbournes s.e suburbs Cheers...
  3. Sorry i cant send anymore pm's atm... Consider the nismo lip SOLD unless i hear otherwise (if its bak on the market ill let everyone know a.s.a.p) Thanx very much..
  4. There pretty good, just more controle over the auto really.. best if u have the auto set up to be fully manuleised i had it in my old 33 with a bit of power great funn
  5. Hey guys as promised a couple of pics of both items: B&M: NISMO f.g Lip:
  6. Pm replyed pics up tomorow of both items
  7. Hey guy's I have a B&M pro ratchet shifter with pretty much evrything u need to go into and auto r33 skyline.. (pics avalible on request) ... $ 180.00 I also hav a fiber glass Nismo lip for a r33 gts-t ser2 std frount bar ( has sum reparible damage underneith will need re-spray ) currently lite silver ... $ 50.00 Located in Melbournes s.e. suburbs
  8. Lol ahahah good point but im saying like no power dies in the ass bad! iv had a skyline 4 around 2 years i know how it was and how it should be lol.. i would say turbo yea but its not blowing any smoke and if u ease into it, it goes ok it when ur flat to the floor (to quike on the acceleratore) that it stuffs up..??
  9. well today i pulled the fuel pump out seems to be in good working order, changed the coil paks, changed the plugs coulpe of days ago (gapped at 0.6mm) changed the air flow meter, checked all cooler clamps. changed the b.o.v just in case it was leaking... still same resault after all that ....??? Really running outa ideas...
  10. And just incase the gap iz wrong wat do u sugest the best gapping would b for my rb25det..?? Cheers guys!
  11. Umm the plugs are ...... the bloke from aout barn recons there perfect for the rb alredy no need to re-gap them..?? im gunna change all the coils today as well c how we go..?? Another question iz there any advantage to moving the a.f.m to the cooler piping and having just a straight pipe of the frount of the turbo (all with starndard computer) ...???
  12. Yea i changed the fule filter 2k ago as well, and the car was running like it a couple days ago i changed and plugs and the coils seem to be fine not cracked or anything and its still running the same..?? also it seams just b4 in goes to hit boost it hesatates a bit, and again in higher revs more so under aggresive acceleration...???
  13. Hi all, I have a 1996 R33 gtst, resently had a problem arure, I'll try to describe it.. The car hits boost starts to pull then at higher revs sounds like it is goin but its not pulling anywere near how it should.. The car has a boost tap but only running around 8psi atm.. fmic and cat back exhaust.. I tryed running a straight line just from the actator straight to the cooler pipe (same result) i then tryed swaping the a.f.m (still same) the car was serviced 2k ago, im quite sure all the clamps on the cooler are tite, i replaced the spark plugs yestarday and all coil packs seem to be in good order.. I hav also changed the b.o.v thinking that it could be leaking .. (still same) So im quite confused as to wat the problem could be../??? I know its real hard to diagnose with out seeing the car, but just thought id ask the question Thanx for any advice you can offer
  14. annyone lol ..???
  15. Hey all, Im after and aftermarked dump and frount pipe seperate or in one peice not fussed, Around the 3" mark Im located in the S.E Suburbs of melb need this asap as usual lol.. Any help would be apreciated.. Cheers Troy P.S.. Ph: 0403 236 931
  16. ok sweet thanx for you help mate Cheers..
  17. Hey guys, I also want to replace the rocket cover seals, as well and paint the covers at the same time Was ready further bak in the thread that the seals are the same for rb20, rb25, an rb26 if this is true dose this mean i can put rb26 rocket covers and rb26 cam covers on at the same time if i can get a hold of sum..?? Cheerz..
  18. Hey guys, Thinking of putting a forward facing plenem on my rb25 looking at gettting either a plazmaman or greddy one..?? Any experience, and or advice, iz it worth it, there performance or dificalty putting them in ect.. Would be great.. Cheers Troy..
  19. Resently had a lil miss hap im my 1996 s2 r33 I hav been thinking about replacing the frount gards with one of the 3 options - Carbon - Fiber glass - or standard Im thinking standard cause it will go straight on ect ect, then im thinking fiber glass or carbon for the weight factor, if i was to go fiber glass i know theres alota shit out there, so i was also wondering if anyone knows of any good places to pick a set up from should i decide to go that way..?? Cheers Troy..
  20. Hey mate i know its an old post, But just wondering if u hav any of these parts i need?? - Frount passenger side quater panel - The inner Frount gard Lh side were the cooler piping goes thro and were the head light bolts up i need that whole section - S2 LH side, headlight - Radiator suport bar - frount reo bar, infrount of cooler Any help would be much appreciated if u hav any of the above send us a msg on 0403 236 931 cheers troy..
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