I have already been back twice! no luck just gets worse! Can't afford to risk any serious damage which it has probably already suffered from pinging its brains out! last time i got it back it wouldn't even use half the load map! a friend picked that up after 2mins in the car! why couldn't they? also so if they don't pick up simple stuff like that what else are they not seeing! also map is so irregular its noticeable when you drive! As far as the old tune goes! "oh we can't find it was their response! no help there! Thanks tho in most cases what you said is what i'd do but it's gone beyond that now! I'm not here to bag the people that tuned it! hence no mention of where how! and as far as problems beyond tuners fault, well it'd be nice if it was that cos then there'd b a fault to chase! sadly no! everything as it should be, but ignition and fuel map jumps round all over the show! so bad in fact it wouldn't idle at the lights without wavering between 800rpm and 2000rpm without even touching the throttle! fuel economy lol or fuel extravaganza, 5km per litre! not good! like i say in my post a little help with some examples would be nice, as where i live we don't have many options as far as performance tuning goes!