Shell, don't waste your money on an iTrip, I had mine installed for 10 mins before I went and purchased a tape adapter because the quality sucks and too much interference when driving through different areas. IMHO if you don't have the option for AUX IN, or it aint easy enough to work out, grab the following -
* a tape adapter from tandy or k-mart ($15 max)
* Belkin TuneDok Car Holder (I squeezed my plastic cuppy thin upside down and it holds it good) ($30)
* Griffin PowerPod ($32)
Stripped the power pod down to the circuit board, wired it in behind the console, and bobs your uncle, you have a neat solution and only visible wiring really is from the ash tray (where I have a boost controller and turbo timer anyway) to the tape deck.
I'll grab some piccies on the weekend.
I mean whilst that's $77 instead of the $69 you'll pay for an iTrip, you'll get much better sound, no interference and hey if you want you dont have to get the holder and save $32