Out of interest which one of the lads do you know ? PM me if you'd rather ...
To answer your question, every company can do it ... the real question is will your employer allow you to do it. The product works on the concept of salary sacrificing but is certainly much more than that.
There is a misconception that salary sacrificing means FBT reporting to be done by the employer = time & money on their part.
With ProsperCar this is certainly not the case and there is basically 0 % admin required from an employer’s perspective. This is the main hurdle that employers have an issue with (and one that there is really no issue with in the first place ) When employers find out it's really just as simple as them splitting an employee's pay by setup of a direct debit, which once setup remains constant throughout the term, most just ask what they have to do in order to get it going.
We usually find that once one employee is set up, most of a company's HR / Payroll will follow, as well as other employee's. Main reason being once they see how it works, how simple it is and how much they could be saving, they can't wait.
It is really so much more effective than anything else out there, be it due to the insurance or the ease of having all costs of running your car combined in one payment or the savings you receive on all those costs you'd usually spend in any case to run a car due to the way in which it's packaged with your salary.
I show people figures each day to run a car entirely which they have trouble comprehending. When I informed a client today he'd be looking at approx $1,300 for insurance on a car a little over $70k ... his first question was if I was talking on a monthly basis
I can't help but feel I'm ranting I'm out -
... before I forget, if anyone has a direct query they'd rather have answered personally --->
James @ Prosperion
nite all ..