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Everything posted by JiMb0

  1. Well your to late ! I drank alll too bottless of i ! and I feel preetty guckeds.
  2. Wheeeaahahaaaa21wwww .... Happy Australia Day night WestsideersS! !!1 Anyone wawnnsa enjoye some shampagne with em >?!
  3. Damn, looks like you guys had a shitload of fun !! Next time I'll have to make sure my ride is in working order so I can participate in the fun ..... who won the karting ?
  4. Hip-pip Horrraaayyyyy *oink* ... Great to hear Donnie ... just make sure they havn't stuck any syringes under the seats .... dirty freaking tossers. Did you recognise any of the other numberplates on their list ? Just wondering where they would have compiled it from ...
  5. Hmmm, may be interested in few weeks .... lets see how she sells and if not, I'll be good for her when the $$$ comes to hand
  6. Hehehe no luck Doc ? I think that when they clean that gunk off the tiles, they just fill the thing up with dirty water so it makes dirty steam so it looks like it's working !!
  7. Damn straight ! ... Yellow .. pffft
  8. Sweet ... tomorrow is a good idea ... I'm ratshit atm .. til then, catcha :burnout:
  9. Heheeh, yey !!! A Silver Sky to whip Vishes into submission !!! :lol:
  10. Out of interest which one of the lads do you know ? PM me if you'd rather ... To answer your question, every company can do it ... the real question is will your employer allow you to do it. The product works on the concept of salary sacrificing but is certainly much more than that. There is a misconception that salary sacrificing means FBT reporting to be done by the employer = time & money on their part. With ProsperCar this is certainly not the case and there is basically 0 % admin required from an employer’s perspective. This is the main hurdle that employers have an issue with (and one that there is really no issue with in the first place ) When employers find out it's really just as simple as them splitting an employee's pay by setup of a direct debit, which once setup remains constant throughout the term, most just ask what they have to do in order to get it going. We usually find that once one employee is set up, most of a company's HR / Payroll will follow, as well as other employee's. Main reason being once they see how it works, how simple it is and how much they could be saving, they can't wait. It is really so much more effective than anything else out there, be it due to the insurance or the ease of having all costs of running your car combined in one payment or the savings you receive on all those costs you'd usually spend in any case to run a car due to the way in which it's packaged with your salary. I show people figures each day to run a car entirely which they have trouble comprehending. When I informed a client today he'd be looking at approx $1,300 for insurance on a car a little over $70k ... his first question was if I was talking on a monthly basis I can't help but feel I'm ranting I'm out - ... before I forget, if anyone has a direct query they'd rather have answered personally ---> James @ Prosperion nite all ..
  11. Sweet. Lemme check on funds and I may have an answer next week. Obviously if it's sold by then .... way life goes Thanx for the update.
  12. Who said anything about ricing it up the battle is all about image creation, not so much just chaning a colour here, adding some wheels here. Have you had a look at a few battles ? They're all about keeping the theme going, ususally by using something from the previous entry, and placing it into something different and new. Each time obviously the challenge gets more difficult to try and keep the theme alive. Check them out.
  13. Also interested ..... any reason for selling ?
  14. poop, how easy is this baby to fit ?
  15. Whats happening JET .. I see alot of posts and no answers. I've e-mailed you myself to no avail. Would be nice to have some closure for people.
  16. Shit Kabab, Fibremotive will prepare and spray a whole panel for $250 I'll be getting a quote soon from a mates smash repairer as I'm getting some other stuff done to the car and will be seeing if I sneak in a respray of some of the body kit.
  17. Seriously ... NavTrak all the way .... beats the pants off QuikTrak and they're a bunch of friendly people. Best yet, as it's installed together with the brant alarm, options such as window lifter etc can be included in the system. Very impressed.
  18. Brandon - Shite man got a quote yet ? How much you looking at in total ... and how much is the labour ?
  19. Handhelds rock, specially for pointing out that chick on the corner at the lights just to make sure the lads behind you get a look But I do think they severly impede your ability to kick the pants off an R34 when you miss 2nd because your trying to taunt Franky and then rem you have to change gears Franky will prolly tell you that his incident was mainly because he was talkin to that mermaid on a handheld CB :bahaha:
  20. Wanna have a battle ?? hehe, have you seen those gfx battles they have over on http://www.graphic-forums.com/ ??? Check em out under the battles section. Some nice work
  21. This one still avail. Update on status please.
  22. * Needs more work on the (i'm assuming) carbon bonnet ... texture is totally missing. * Also on the bottom of the car where you've tried to accomidate the large rims. * The rims and disk and no-where near as crisp as the rest of the body. * Front bar is a real mess Other than that ... I like it Post up the original pic and we'll all have some fun !!
  23. Damn buddy that's no fun .... I'll keep an eye out in my general direction for ya !
  24. Prosperion plug> Not just insurance but a great way to get insurance and every other conceivable cost of running the car for less than you could even imagine ... especially on a car that you already own or have under finance. PM me for more info. /me runs
  25. Hey Maj, I'm after exactly what you listed there in regards to the $600 for basically the bodykit. Do you know how much he'd charge if I got the parts to him already off the car, eg, just took them over in the back of a van. Removing is easy and if it costs less for labour then that's great
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