Zman, the insurance offered is AFAIK a market value comprehensive insurance policy provided by Allianz. As the fleet policy based on a large sum of vehicles (25,000?), you will find that your insurance premium will not be affected by your age, no claim bonus, driving history/accident history or modifications.
There are five premium catagories based on the value of the vehicle. There is also another catagory for turbo and HSV vehicles.
I belive the premium for a turbo vehicle is $1,195 with a basic excess of $800.00. In adition to this there are age excesses and penalty excesses when claiming an "at fault" accident.
There are no excess when an "at fault" third party is identified.
Hope this makes it a little easier to understand ....
... as Ex has stated. Prosperion does not just offer insurance, but more so a complete vehicle finance package. From what most people say, they end up better off not only with the cash in hand benefits, but also the benefits of having everything taken care of for them.