Hehehehe, on the topic of your accident cereal. I don't know about other places but in Syd I've only started noticing how many cabbies when either setting down passengers or waiting to pick up, just stop and put their hazards on, like it's an ok thing to just cut off an entire freaking lane, as long as their hazards on on it's ok ?
Is this legal ? I'm sure to hell that hazards are there for a reason and arn't merely to be used when cabbies who are f**kwits want to stop in moving traffic ?
A good example I saw today whilst walking to work, in a street with two unmarked lanes of sorts, parked traffic on either side, and the cabbie obviously had a pickup at a building, so he just stopped in the lane and put his hazards on. He was there for 7 mins until his passenger came. During this time traffic had to negotiate to stay flowing because of the fact this moron had effectively bottlednecked the road.