I was watching this thing lastnight on Animal Planet about "Demonic Apes". God it was interesting. This place called Gombi or something where all these Chimpanzee's live, they actually eat more meat than fruit and veg. And there was the leader "Frodo" who was the most violent out of all of them and he actually abducted a baby and mutilated it, tore its skin off its face and all this.
There were scientists saying that he has a common link between him and us, calling it the demonic male syndrome. Where they think that fighting and murder is okay.
They were also showing Frodo attacking other Chimps and they said that he was actually enjoying it because he knew he was inflicting pain on the other chimp.
It was very interesting to watch. Just shows how much we think we know about things, but in reality, we're totally in the dark about it.