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Travis Trayhern

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Everything posted by Travis Trayhern

  1. yeh dont mind ill just put a peice of sheel metal between cat-rear muffler with a inch hole just to get it passed. pls someone must have one the only other option is getting one bent up and that will cost to much for nothing.
  2. anyone? have good money to pay or can give you a box to borrow it for a few weeks? only need it for rta so whateva guys common.
  3. After are standard exhaust for a r32 gtr im sure gtst ones fit aswell so either will do it wont be staying on for long. In melb area would be great but also willing to pay to get it posted cheers. pm me.
  4. just put some steal wheel turbos on a mates gtr he was on his way to adelaide and was all fine then went to over take a car and no boost, there was no bang clunk or anything just fell off. replaced turbos and checked comp and all good. so they can let go at anytime you dont need to be giving it a hard time at all. we also never found the wheel thanks to a decat pipe.
  5. with the -5 i was looking ordering some but they have two rear housing option a/r.64 or .86 ? what one do i pick i want around the 350-400rwkw some one help out here my setup full built engine, cams, head work, the works really, mainly circut and some weekend driving
  6. $10k for a respray is about right if you want it done right and show condition. i dont think you understand what a propper respray is, full strip removing everything inc engine, fully rubbing back and prep work takes weeks to be done right. my father owns a crash shop and 12 years ago he painted a show car now that cost the guy $8k then for the job and it won best paint 8 years running and last year had a freahup and that cost him $5k after a few blemishs had popped now its back winning best paint again. a cheap 1500 job is just a tape up and scuff and spray dont expect the paint to be there in a few years. also the cost of paint cheap stuff about 200-400 to paint (protech) decent paint ya look at about 1200 just in materials (ppg) then add in any pearl $$
  7. Hi, Im after some canards for a r33 gtr im having problems at high speed cornering the front lifts abit and get abit of spin off the front wheel, so after some canards to help stable the front at the high speeds. but cant find any for the r33 but have found some for the r34 so was going to mod them to fit but just seeing if anyone knows of some for the r33 cheers.
  8. just had a mate tell me the r32 gtr's at bathurt use to lanch in 2nd aswell becaue they would get to much wheel spin in 1st even with there slicks on, might have to give this one a shot and see what it feels like
  9. look when they go in car r34 on lanch he is defantly in 2nd
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1KogYWDYrI ok thats the battle but dosnt have the end bit where there talking and descussing the gtr's and about the lanch in 2nd i have the full dvd, now check out the lanch the r33 and r34 was in 2nd and the r32 and r35 where in first.
  11. yeh was the flywheel went everywhere even into the road was holes through the bonnet just a mess.
  12. wouldnt the box break first? also do they really do it? because one of the coments made by them was every gtr owner knows to lanch it in 2nd and they got a wicked start the guy in the 32 gtr got belted he lanched in first.
  13. ok was watching a gtr best motoring battle and the where talking about lanching in 2nd gear at 7000rpm, im to scared to try are these guys serious? i cant see the clutch lasting at all.
  14. are you being serrious have you ever been in a rwd with 350rwkw? its alot of fun and none of the fun is happining in a straight line.
  15. dam this battle is still going on, hey at the end of the day it comes down to if ya cant afford at gtr you get a gtst. and if you get a gtst and want it as fast as a gtr track/street/drag you will hav to spend to much on it as buying the gtr in the first place, why not just get the gtr?
  16. get a second boost guage on there to double check. just to rule that out.
  17. this is shocking that noone knows where to get them as they look unreal i might have to drive up and just get them done and get some fiberglass copys done and sell them $$$$ but was hoping someone has already done this
  18. ok was doing some bodykit searching for my gtr and come across these, i emailed the guy but he said i need to take my car to him so he can mod mine but i live 800k away so really dont want it to come to that and he also dosnt have any there to make a fiberglass copy. so dose anyone know where i can get some?
  19. i started, turned into being a pain so i just gave up waisted that much time on them couldnt really see the point for minimal to no power gain. but good luck oh and i had issues with the front dump screamer hitting the rear turbo inlet
  20. Hi everyone, Just wondering what are these rims worth that are on my car? They have nismo on them and on the inner its got a Rays 18x10 sticker.
  21. yes but sa road laws are different to vic, like i can have a pod, big fmic in sa there re heaps of different mods we can do legally but in vic you cant? and i got a massive list of mods to my car and we dont have emissions where im from ether. and a defect in vic wont affect the rego in sa because there not linked and wont show up on transport sa system? so really i can just rip if off and say it isnt there as such? also do you have rally/race rego over here because i can get it quite easy over in sa, an since the car mainly dose race days and the od weekend drive i might be better getting it.
  22. hi guys, abit off topic but i just moved up to melbourne to for work i havent moved my car here yet but from sa i dont plan on changing to vic rego and plates or my licence but can the cops still defect a sa car over here? i was told they just give you a fine for each defect?
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