Ok, a few things.
1. DS2500's are not hard on rotors. IMHO it is a little bit the other way around with relatively high wear rates on the pads.
2. How much are the HC pads?
3. If you are a track newb then DS2500 is more than enough pad.
4. Don't buy 4000 series DBA rotors - there is a whole thread on how shite they are somewhere.
5. Rear pads can be anything. Just get something that works from cold & matches the friction coefficients of the front pads.
Not having used the HC, but from the specs there doesn't appear to be a huge amount of difference between them & the 2500's. The friction coefficients are the same but the HC appear to have a braoder working range. The 2500s are streetable, but I cannot comment on the HC's as I just don't know. The flat friction coefficient of the 2500's is one of their best attirbutes - particularly if you are new to track silliness.