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Everything posted by djr81

  1. Not particularly, no. I just think that the interest of the sport should be put ahead of the immediate short term interests of any one particular team.
  2. Just ring Whiteline & ask them. They don't bite.
  3. "That's why Tega HALVES their practice days, so other (2 car) teams get TWICE as many practice days." I was of the understanding that the four car HRT/HSVDT got the same number of practice days as the FPV/TKR mob which in turn is the same as the two car teams. From memory it was six test days for two cars. The budgetary poo fight will be interesting to watch this year. Roland Dane doesn't much like it.... Holden only ever got itself into this mess after Tom Walkinshaw went bankrupt & had to sell HRT in a hurry. Holden wasn't allowed to own it so they had to turn to Skaife and the Kelly family.
  4. Worth getting. Damn right. Personally I would look for the facelifted version from mid 87 onwards.
  5. Well you could look at the Stone Brother record. Or Dick Johnson racing. Or Gary Rogers. Or Larry Perkins. Or simply point to the fact the rules infringement shit fights seemingly involve HRT more than half the time & everyone else added together the rest. Point out the bits that are imported. The tyres. The engine blocks. Rims. Diffs. Brake calipers (only now that Alcon won the contract) Not much else... Overwhelmingly the gear is both world class & of Australian manufacture.
  6. My dodgy memory tells me they had a VN Commode kicking around in '92. That was the car that stood in for the Gt-R. But my memory is pretty dodgy. Forbes first proper V8 (group 3A as it was briefly known) was a big budget effort at the time. I can remember Cromption talking it up. They ran well at Bathurst until Gibbs stuck it in the wall. I think they may have converted their older VN to the new formula also. Probably ran it as a second car in the enduroes. PB's effort in '93 was pretty much a busted arse outfit. His previous deal with Perkins fell apart (remember LP bitch slapping Tomas Mazera in the pits? Gold) & there wasn't alot of money for the cars. I think Crompton signed for Brock in maybe '92 after LP had left. But there was rarely a car for him to drive, let alone a good one. May have my years mixed up, however. Aahh, Captain Chaos!!!! Missed the '93 ATCC at Wanneroo due to having a bastard of an exam the next day.
  7. It means it is a metric thread, 12 millimetres in size with a pitch of 1.25mm's.
  8. For my 10 cents worth. There are two issues with RB26's. Firstly the usual one with what we could loosely call 'fumes'. Secondly a more problematic one with the volume of oil retained in the head of the motor at high rpm. Now the first of these is not a big problem. Just about any catch can worth its salt will fix this problem & help stop oil build up in the I/C. The second is more problematic. RB26's have a well known issue which, put simply, means that there is alot (too much) oil retained in the head of the motor when it runs at high rpm for a longish period of time. What can and does happen is when cornering this oil floods your newly installed catch can & you end up with a massive mess that takes ages to clean up. The style of catch can infont of the breathers can help prevent this from happening. Just something to think about.
  9. Forbes ran a VL Commodore before the GT-R. During 1992 in the midst of a poo fight about the weight the GT-R's had to carry he briefly reverted to a Commodore. Mark Gibbs was the main driver with Rohan Onslow backing him up in the enduroes. When the Group A formula died he ran a VP Commodore for Neil Crompton in GIO colours - '93 season. The team was subsequently bought by Wayne Gardener to become Coca Cola racing.
  10. In anything cheating is just cheating. Doesn't matter if you get caught or not. And here was I thinking HSVDT didn't have any fans left after the crap they pulled at PI. I'm sure TEGA have only a finite amount of things they can threaten HRT with. I guess exclusion is the biggest stick.
  11. I reckon Gary Rogers has a good point. What hope do all the other "privateer" Holden teams have is HRT/HSV are running a four car team & monopolising the money & the factory financing? the sport lacks diversity in makes so it needs diversity of teams. Having multiple car factory teams will destroy that & return V8 racing to the bad old days like the late nineties. It should be about a level playing field, not a benifit for HRT. Still cheating is something that the HRT & particularly TW are familiar with.
  12. Some. Basically the HRT/HSV is run by the dodgy scottsman. To circumvent the rules about team ownership the HRT is technically owned by Mark Skaife & the HSVDT owned by Rick Kelly's Mum & Dad. this article has more truth about it. http://www.smh.com.au/news/motorsport/hold...1733765721.html
  13. "Just because they led by so much didn't mean they were going to win." No, they did occasionally break down. What you need to take account of is the reality that by late 1990 the group A category was on its last legs. Most companies who had previously been actively involved ceased doing so. Most of the homologation specials had by that time been finished & there was very little factory development. It just so happened that Nissan were (other than BMW) one of the last companies to bother homologating cars to the regulations. For instance the Sierra was eligible in '87 in its evolution form. It was still doing the rounds 5 years later - which in motor racing terms is an age. There was no chance that the group A formula could continue. As an international formula which required factory backing it could not survive without such backing. It was a case of which formula to replace it with 2 litre or 5 litre. Given the state of the BTCC presently I think it is a bit churlish to criticise CAMS for picking up on the 5 litre category. Lastly production cars racing was never Australias premier formula. Even back in the early 70's the improved touring cars were more of a headline act than the production cars - Bathurst aside. Even if you do include Bathurst the most famous race there was an improved touring car race. Geoghegans Falcon versus Moffat's Mustang. Basically the growth in production car racing/improved touring car racing can be traced to the decline of the Tasman series from approx 1969 onwards. Production car racing still survives today, but at a much lesser level than the topline categories. It is still worth watching, however. If you like your old school motor racing I would suggest checking out Late Night Legends on ABC 2. They periodically show old stuff, mostly from Warwick Farm. The shot below is of Pete Geoghegan in his Falcon (with tyre smoke) chasing the Camaro of either Norm Beachey or Bob Jane (Yes that Bob jane). Can't quite remember which.
  14. Gee I don't know. There is a statistic from the 1991 season somewhere (I will did it up later). Showed how many laps the GT-R's were in front of the total. Something like 70 odd percent. You only wondered which GT-R was going to win, ie Skaife or Richards. 92 wasn't so bad, but they had handicapped everyone by then. I don't want to resurrect the awfulness that was the Peter Jackson Dash for Cash. People would work their arses off to qualify on pole only to literally pull a number out of an envelope to see where they started a 3 lap "dash". Terrible, just terrible. But don't get me wrong. The best thing about group A racing were the homologation specials it spawned. Everything from Cosworth Sierras, Escorts, BMW M3's, Supras (Yep), Maseratis, Alfa's, MB !90's, Corollas, Jaguars - you name it & it was probably there. Even Holden had a go. Even the Pulsar GTiR owes its existance to Group A rally rules. Then there is the Lancia Delta Integrale, the Evo's..........
  15. Well that is fair enough. A two way will give you some push understeer on turn in. In a GT-R this is probably last to very last on the things you want to have. Hence the 1.5 way at the rear. On the front I was of a mind that the more gentle in transition the better off you will be. Maybe I am wrong in that - they don't seem to torque steer, so maybe a more sudden cut in will be ok.
  16. The GT-R wasn't banned. Can we stop propagating that myth now, please? Oh and as for the comment that touring car racing was interesting then. Well I beg to differ. 91 & 92 were two of the most stultifyingly boring & predictable years of racing I have ever had the misfortune to sit through. The fields were thin, the races short (20 minutes each!) & the tv coverage dire. The wonder is that Touring Car racing in this country survived at all, let alone prospered.
  17. I was looking for a similar sort of thing. With regard to the one way fronts there are actually four options (I think). Type RS (low initial torque) Type MZ (Initial torque created by the cone plates) Now both of these come with either 35 or 45 degree cams. So what does it all mean. Dunno. But I would think an RS would be preferable?
  18. To the best of my understanding you can have a rear cage if the car is registered as a 2 seater.
  19. Hmm couple of things. Don't add any fuel additive that changes the density of the fuel. This is just asking for trouble. Yes ethanol will change the density of the fuel. If you are using a hudrocarbon additive don't touch the stuff or get in on your paint. Cyclic hydrocarbon molecules are seriously evil things - don't breath the stuff in etc. Specifically I am talking about toluene, but this applies to most other additives, even oils & hydrocarbons in general. Choose your Octane booster wisely. I use this stuff. If you only run it periodically you will find the orange cack doesn't build up much if at all - atleast that is what I have found. http://www.nulon.com.au/products.php?productId=pso Chances are if a product is marketed as octane booster & fuel injector cleaner it does sfa to the octane rating. Just my 10 cents.
  20. Far be it from me to be sensible, but without the marshalls & flaggies there would be no motorsport. At all. Ever. It is a constant battle for event organisers to get sufficient people to volunteer. So maybe you could try encouraging your friends to show them some respect or even to volunteer themselves. Giving up you day to assist other people is hardly the act of a scabby loser. Quite the opposite infact. Peace, love & mung beans.
  21. Hmm, interesting. I cannot fault my Jet 2 for quality, so am not quite sure what you mean by that. It fits me nice but then again everyones head is a different shape. The Jet F is a more recent model than the Jet 2 hence the availability of Hans pegs. Make sure when they turn up that you look inside to see the safety code the helmet complies to. It will either be SA00 or SA05. If it is SA00 hammer them on price because it will be old stock. The helmet is still perfectly compliant and useable, however.
  22. The Toyo (Both the 888 & the RA1) are infact very good tyres. Most people over my way (ie WA) use RE55's in the larger sizes but the Toyo is quite common in smaller sizes. A mate of mine who should know swears by them.
  23. Nice result. I should add too that the idle doesn't appear to be adversely affected.
  24. Thanks Femno & Baron. Put the things in on the weekend. Adjusted the CAS so the timing light was indicating the same as the PFC handset. Results? Well nothing much discernable from the data logger. Problem being that turbo motors are greatly influend by ambient air temps & I can't log these. Subjectively it felt much better through 4000rpm and seemed to spool up a little quicker. So I am happy with the results.
  25. Yes, but you need one to start with. Which I don't have.
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