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Posts posted by andynls

  1. Please put me down for this Session.

    Thank you.


    Hey Guys,

    The SAUQLD Club have organised a Suspension Tech Session - THIS Saturday 21st June 9am. (sausage sizzle starting at 8.30am)

    We have some spare spots available, so get your name down quick

    DATE: Saturday 21st June - 9am to 12noon (approx)

    LOCATION: Fulcrum Service Centre

    2/41 Neumann Rd, Capalaba

    For a map - click here

    We will have approx 3hrs - Managing Director Graham Scudamore-Smith founded Fulcrum in 1976. Graham has 30+ years of experience in the suspension industry! There will be a presentation, suspension parts will be on show for us to look at, ask questions & answers, and more...

    Special thanks to Dan - Elite Racing for helping setup the session. Cheers!

    ** We have a number of tech sessions planned (various topics). Depending on the session and who is hosting it, available spots will be open to ALL. The idea is to educate Club Members and the Skyline community in general. Hopefully this will help us enjoy and better understand our pride n' joy!

    FOR THIS SESSION, We have 7 spots available - first come, first served - post up below!

    YES, I've given you ALL the address details, but as a courtesy to Fulcrum, please don't just turn up unannounced.



    1. ToMMaH

    2. Japtaxi

    3. Black Ninja

    4. SevenAngryPenguins

    5. mic_check_1_2



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