Ok, it starts and idles now, but it blows light grey smoke, and misfires. Smells like there's no catalytic converter.
Could this be wrong fuel pressure for the turbo ecu? If so, what is the correct fuel pressure, as we are using an N/A fuel press reg.
Remember, its an RB25DE with T injectors and ecu.
EDIT: Just took it for a drive and its definitely running way too rich, the cat light came on when taking it to higher (4-5k) revs, huge exhaust pops when shifting gears, hunting for idle etc. but the misfiring got better (wasn't cured) at higher rpm (around 3)
Stuck injector? Wrong fuel pressure? Fuel pump? (remember, NO BOOST, its still an n/a, no more air than before, therefore no more fuel needed, so pump should be capable for now)