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Everything posted by HEKT1K

  1. Lol so efficient
  2. You can come live with me if shit happens Dezz
  3. Toby might be putting his money elsewhere for the time being but wants to keep the house he has purchased I'm surprised the possibility of investing in something OTHER than real estate hasn't been raised at any point in the preceding 5-10 pages lol
  4. Baller
  5. This. Is British too, win
  6. Inb4
  7. It was not. The wordsmith side of me didn't think of confusing discrete with discreet
  8. Usually a conversation killer lol
  9. BSc with a major in Discrete Mathematics checking in
  10. What, no room in the skip for all that subtlety?
  11. http://www.torquecars.com/tuning/tuning-stages.php
  12. One of my mates just asked me about doing "stage 3" mods.. Then proceeded to send me a link explaining what the various stages entail Kill me now
  13. Car payment money? I paid straight cash for that shit Monica, you know me better than that Just a bit bored of it Al, that and I drive like 100km a week so all that capital tied up in a car doesn't make much sense
  14. Car is sweet, the owner is the problem
  15. Far from it unfortunately Tentatively looking to offload my current car
  16. That stocker 33 still up for grabs Birds?
  17. Honda fanbois are surely the worst kind
  18. Back in the day
  19. Pat - There's also the horrid quality of food at such events to consider
  20. Monica '$' is probably the best salutation I've ever seen
  21. Haha I don't wear both at the same time. One or the other as a statement piece tends to get the job done
  22. I bring sandwiches for lunch so I can direct my money elsewhere (usually into my outfit). Nothing wrong with that, will likely do the same thing at the GP tomorrow
  23. Typical lefty, merely taking sides instead of arguing principles You've just admitted that the lives of these shitbags are more important / worthy of our attention than others on death row. Don't try to backpedal on this Your blanket opposition to the death penalty seems very weak now
  24. Wonder how many bleeding hearts would reach into their own pockets to fund that
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