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Everything posted by crooser

  1. I'm not sure if they are still there but, a pipe/hose place just behind that old Maccas on the Bribie Island exit on the Bruce Highway I got some really good wire reinforced "aero pipe" there once for an intake hope this helps
  2. sounds risky you can buy an extendable magnet thingy - looks like a radio arial with a powerfull little magnet on the end. this will reach unless its obstructed. good luck
  3. great video - give us more!
  4. crooser

    20 Questions

    lol it guessed clit0ris "Would you pay for it? - Yes" haha
  5. fuel filter is a Z200 (same as 25det) for the air filter (panel is same as VL Commonwhore) K&N panel recommended hope this helps
  6. I have had a link for a few years. very tunable. never owned or played with a PFC but they say they are good also. You will find that each ecu is only as good as the tuner tuning them. Zombie, can you send your link tune map to me? cheers
  7. sounds like you are another victim of the ecu overfueling/timing retarding scandal, i had the same problem until i swapped my old link ecu back in on saturday. anything above stock boost was always a problem. smooth as power to redline now - forgot how much fun it was
  8. just a guess... could this be battery / altenator /grounding trouble?
  9. nice one. always had a soft spot for the supra the skyline was my last minute second choice enjoy
  10. installed my old GTSLink ecu today. misfire gone
  11. we have an xbox here. havent tried it online yet. whats the lag like? better than trying ps2 online?
  12. i tried the V8 supercars 2 demo last night. at first i tried using the keyboard. wasnt really impressed at all. then i dusted off the old MS Sidewinder FF wheel. The grin factor hit the roof! especially when driving the old Jag Awesome with a wheel, the handling is as good GT3, possibly even a bit better. This game will make big waves if its mutiplayer feature goes well.
  13. The fuel filler opening is changed as part of compliance. Many say that depending on who complies them, some use a crappy sealant that disolves over time. This could explain the vapour you can smell/see. Worth a look. re the bad fuel economy, was a change of fuel filter,air filter,plugs and a reset of the factory ecu all done in the recent service you mentioned?
  14. crazy lesbian trios? duped again!
  15. been doing some work on the site... should be fine now
  16. i've been real tempted to fork cash for one of those (cheapish) 89 gtrs i have seen from PMS. The big thing that puts me off is the wait. I would go nuts waiting!
  17. dont let this get worse before you do something about it mate. Your health is #1 Sometimes a little break is all you need to see things for what they are. Take some leave owing and get away if possible. Speak to your GP - let them make the decision on your next move if that helps. chin up
  18. Have you managed to try a borrowed AFM yet?
  19. oh, put me down for it all too
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