warrick anything is possible just takes time but if ur removing original and not planning on using them again just smash them out if being a bitch to get out
oh i mean dump pipes are meant to make bit of difference, some help stop boost creap and help spool also while given more power from more flow hehe
i best go do some work so speak more around 10ish
i use syphon dads car lol company fuel but now i need pulp i cant stuiped commodores. be out next week though maybe cyrus can drive this week or something lol
thats the one im talkin about. there japs that took the car t pommy land to try break 200mph but cops got them, there was a full story on it. he lost his international licence for 24hours :| how good is that if u wanna drive crazy go over seas
nope everything is fine, u can copy files from my computer to any other etc wont drop out only internet would thats what pissed me off cant find out wat it is