spent some time this afternoon on the car, hooked up the PLX wideband sender and guage as a temp item to test it out and check the idle AFR's
hooked up the datalogit and started it up
other than not sitting in the pfc's normal idle cell of 2x2 it was sitting at 11:1 AFR, so i tweaked it enough to run 14.6- 15.5 range - Then it was still hunting badly at 65 deg water temps, so i initialised the unit and ran through the 30 min idle learning - its is better now but will still hunt after you blip the throttle then settles down and stops it after 10-15 seconds.
so atleast i wont be killing the new 100cell cat from running stupid rich on idle.
waiting for a 52mm guage holder to arrive in the mail so i can mount the display and then go for a drive.
also been looking around for a way to mount a female USB port onto the dash area beside the glovebox, so i dont need to have the SM-AFR and the Datalogit boxes exposed in the glove box.. still havent found any product that will allow me to panel mount a female USB port so if anyone has ideas i'd be happy to hear it.